Iran News in Brief – March 17, 2024



Tehran Metro CEO Changes with Speculations It Is Related to His Canadian Designation

According to Iranian state media reports today, Tehran Mayor Alireza Zakani appointed Reza Mohammadnejad Bidkhast as the acting CEO of Tehran Metro Company. Previously, unconfirmed reports had circulated about the resignation of Masoud Dorosti, the former CEO of the metro.

Dorosti was invited on March 12 to appear before the Tehran City Council to answer questions regarding “repeated metro malfunctions,” but he did not attend the session. Instead, Majid Rostami, the deputy director of operations at Tehran Metro Company, answered the questions on his behalf.

Earlier, Mohsen Hormozi, the deputy of transportation and traffic at Tehran Municipality, had denied Dorosti’s resignation and stated that he did not attend the council meeting due to “severe cold.”

Speculations surrounding the CEO of Tehran Metro and rumors of his resignation emerged last week following his inclusion in Canada’s list of sanctions.

Iranian Newspaper Reports Surge in School Dropout Rates Due to Poverty

An Iranian media outlet has reported that the dropout rate among Iranian children and adolescents reached its highest level in the past decade during the last academic year, with widespread poverty being cited as the major cause.

In its report published on Sunday, March 17, the economic newspaper “Donyaye Eghtesad” stated that the dropout rate for the academic year 2022-2023 increased even beyond the days of the COVID-19 pandemic, during which some students left school due to lack of access to communication tools and the internet. The dropout rate in the primary level has risen by 0.25 percentage points to reach 1.2 percent.

According to this report, during the academic year 2022-2023, more than 175,000 students in the primary level discontinued their education, with the main factor being the increase in poverty.

“Donyaye Eghtesad” noted that the poverty rate reached 30 percent in 2022, meaning that about one-third of Iran’s population lacks the ability to afford their basic needs, significantly impacting their children’s education.

As a result, some students, instead of pursuing education, enter the job market to meet their needs. The media outlet further highlighted that besides poverty, the diminishing value of education in Iranian society has also contributed to the dropout rates.

State Media Reveals Another Case of Corruption in Iran

Amidst the power struggle among various factions within the Iranian regime, a state-controlled media outlet has exposed yet another instance of corruption linked to a state-affiliated company.

Ruydad 24 website wrote on March 16, “The newspaper Etemad disclosed a case of corruption involving a $22 million contract for the import of tires that occurred in the year 2019. Per the terms of this contract, Alireza Peymanpak, the former CEO of the Razi Supply Chain Management Company, allegedly provided $80 million in government currency to Mohammad Zolfaghari, the CEO of Dolphin Trade Development Company, to import 200,000 tire rings into the country. However, the fate of $22 million of this amount remains undisclosed.”

This revelation adds to a series of scandals highlighting pervasive corruption within government-affiliated entities in Iran.

Amidst the power struggle among various factions within the Iranian regime, a state-controlled media outlet has exposed yet another instance of corruption linked to a state-affiliated company.

Ruydad 24 website wrote on March 16, “The newspaper Etemad disclosed a case of corruption involving a $22 million contract for the import of tires that occurred in the year 2019. Per the terms of this contract, Alireza Peymanpak, the former CEO of the Razi Supply Chain Management Company, allegedly provided $80 million in government currency to Mohammad Zolfaghari, the CEO of Dolphin Trade Development Company, to import 200,000 tire rings into the country. However, the fate of $22 million of this amount remains undisclosed.”

This revelation adds to a series of scandals highlighting pervasive corruption within government-affiliated entities in Iran.

Sunday Protests in Iran

Across various cities in Iran, retirees and contract workers have resumed protest rallies to voice their grievances and demands, highlighting issues ranging from pension reforms to job security and fair wages.

Tehran witnessed a resurgence of protests as retirees from the steel industry converged in front of the offices of the Steel Retirement Fund, reiterating their demand for higher pensions to cope with the rising expenses.

In Isfahan, central Iran, retirees from the steel industry gathered once again to emphasize their plea for higher pensions that align with the escalating costs of living. Similar sentiments echoed in Shush, where retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Organization demanded increased pensions and essential needs.

In Arak, central Iran, retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Organization continued their protests, calling upon the government to uphold its own laws by adjusting pensions accordingly.

In Ahvaz, southwest Iran, retirees from the Social Security Organization gathered to amplify their voices for increased pensions, reflecting a persistent demand prevalent among retired workers nationwide.

Meanwhile, in Gachsaran, southwest Iran, contract workers of the oil and gas industry expressed frustration as their just and legal demands for contract reforms, job security, and improved wages remain unaddressed by regime authorities.

In Karaj, northern Iran, railroad workers took to the streets once again, protesting against unpaid wages, shedding light on the financial challenges faced by laborers in various sectors across the country.

These protests underscore the ongoing socioeconomic tensions within Iran, with workers from diverse industries advocating for their rights amidst economic uncertainties and growing discontent.

UPDATE: 11:30 AM

U.S. Central Command Reports Destruction of Iranian-backed Houthi Drones and Surface Vessels

On Saturday, March 17, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced the successful destruction of at least two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and five unmanned surface vessels (USVs), commonly known as drones and surface drones respectively, operated by the Houthi rebels in Yemen and backed by Tehran.

According to a press statement released by CENTCOM, the incident occurred between 7:50 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. local time in Sanaa. The Iranian-supported Houthis launched the UAVs from areas under their control in Yemen, directing them towards the Red Sea. However, United States forces, operating in the region, engaged the hostile UAVs, successfully neutralizing one and causing the presumed crash of the other into the Red Sea.


Resistance: Don’t Forget The Struggle Of Iranian Women Against The Mullahs’ Obscurantism

On February 24, 2024, a conference was held in Paris in solidarity with Iranian women on the occasion of International Women’s Day. 41 personalities, such as former presidents, prime ministers and ministers as well as parliamentarians from 24 countries, participated in this wonderful women’s conference. The keynote speaker was Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). The list of speakers also included representatives of various Iranian women’s associations in Europe, in particular the burgeoning new generation working for change in Iran. Excerpts from Maryam Rajavi’s speech on the achievements of women in the Iranian Resistance.

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UN Condemns Iran for Human Rights Abuse

In a withering report submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Javaid Rehman, the Special Rapporteur on Iran, has accused the theocratic regime of crimes against humanity, barbarity, and repression. Mr. Rehman says the regime is guilty of “murder, imprisonment, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, persecution, enforced disappearance, and other inhumane acts, that have been committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against a civilian population”. The 42-page report contains a mountain of evidence of “institutional discrimination against women and girls” and other crimes which include “extrajudicial and unlawful killings and murder, unnecessary and disproportionate use of force, arbitrary deprivation of liberty, torture, rape, enforced disappearances, and gender persecution”.

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Iran’s IRGC Commanders: Rhetoric vs. Reality

Commanders in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) frequently boast in fiery speeches about the regime’s status as a regional superpower. They claim to dictate the fate of the Middle East and pave the way for a global Islamic government, as exemplified by former IRGC commander Yahya Rahim Safavi’s statement: “The honorable Imam (Khomeini) led the revolution to victory… the ultimate goal is to establish an Islamic state all over the world.

These pronouncements are often veiled or explicit. The IRGC leadership suggests current dominance in four regional capitals: Beirut (Lebanon), Damascus (Syria), Sana’a (Yemen), and Baghdad (Iraq). They believe further expansion aligns with their vision of a divinely ordained global Islamic state.

Meanwhile, the regime expends significant resources on intense political, terrorist, and seditious campaigns to prevent internal uprisings and maintain control.

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US Treasury Targets Vessel in Iranian Commodities Shipment to Houthis

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced sanctions on Friday against Marshall Islands shipping company Vishnu Inc. and its vessel, the LADY SOFIA. The sanctions target their involvement in illicit shipments to China believed to support Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF) and the Houthi militia.

“We are committed to stopping the IRGC-QF and the Houthis from dodging sanctions and financing terrorism,” said Under Secretary of the Treasury Brian E. Nelson. “The U.S. will target financial sources that threaten innocent people and global trade.”

The sanctions stem from a January 31st ship-to-ship transfer between the LADY SOFIA and the recently sanctioned MEHLE. The MEHLE allegedly used “spoofing” – manipulating its automatic identification system (AIS) to hide its location – to mask the transfer of Iranian goods to the LADY SOFIA.

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Drone Strikes Target Iranian Militia Trucks in Eastern Syria

Deir Ezzor Province, Syria – The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported two separate drone attacks targeting trucks belonging to Iranian militias in eastern Deir Ezzor province within the last 24 hours.

The most recent incident involved an unidentified drone striking a truck carrying unknown materials near the Al-Bokamal crossing on the Syrian-Iraqi border. The attack resulted in violent explosions, but no casualties were reported. Iranian militias secured the area following the strike.

This follows a similar drone attack reported by SOHR yesterday targeting a refrigerated truck belonging to Iranian-backed militias in the nearby village of Al-Harri. The contents of the refrigerated truck remain unknown. Both trucks reportedly entered Syria from Iraq through the Al-Bokamal crossing.

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Empty Plates, Empty Promises: Iran Regime’s Leaders are Failing Its People

In recent days, videos from Iran of long lines for frozen meat have flooded social media. Soaring food prices and declining purchasing power, especially during Ramadan and the New Year, are back in the spotlight.

Currently, red meat costs up to 800,000 tomans per kilo in Iran, leading to a drastic decrease in consumption, with some income groups buying less than two kilos a year. In response, the Ebrahim Raisi administration authorized frozen meat imports to stabilize the market. However, reports indicate that 30,000 tons of imported meat were met with such high demand that many people waited in queues for hours, only to leave empty-handed.

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Maryam Khalili Arbitrarily Arrested, Sanaz JahanTigh Lingers in Jail

Security forces in Isfahan arrested Maryam Khalili on Thursday, March 14, 2024, and took her away to an undisclosed location. Maryam Khalili had been repeatedly summoned by the judicial authorities and interrogated. She faces charges of disseminating propaganda against the state, insulting the leader, and insulting the sanctities.

Her trial will be held in May at one of the branches of the Revolutionary Court of Isfahan. So far, there is no information available on her place of detention or the reasons for her arrest. Maryam Khalili, also known as Marzieh Khalili, is 24 years old and lives in Isfahan.

In other news, Sanaz JahanTigh has been detained for six months since her arrest without standing trial. The authorities have turned down her family’s request for her temporary release on bail.

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Mehran Akrami, One Of The Detainees Of The Nationwide Protests In 2022, Lost His Life Under Torture

Mehran Akrami, a Kurdish citizen from Takab city, who was arrested during the nationwide protests of 2022 by security forces in the city of Saqqez, lost his life under the torture of the security forces at the Intelligence Office of this city. This citizen has been held in the detention center of Saqqez Intelligence for 16 months without any clear charges.

According to reports received by the Iran Human Rights Monitor (Iran HRM) on Tuesday, March 13, 2024, Mehran Akrami, a 32-year-old resident of Takab city, who was arrested during the nationwide protests in November 2022 in the city of Saqqez, was murdered under the torture of the security forces at the Intelligence Office of this city.

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Paris, France—March 15, 2024: MEK Supporters Exhibition in Support of the Iranian Revolution

Paris, France—March 15, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) organized an exhibition in solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

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Berkeley, California—March 15, 2024: MEK Supporters Organized an Exhibition in Solidarity With the Iranian Revolution

Berkeley, California—March 15, 2024: Members of the Iranian-American Community of Northern California organized an exhibition and info desk at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) to express their solidarity with the Iranian Revolution.

Freedom-loving Iranians in the north California said: “Our dedicated volunteers at @UCBerkeley, stood in solidarity with the brave struggle of the Iranian people for regime change, sacrificing their lives in the process. The movement for #FreeIran is crucial in halting fundamentalism’s spread & fostering peace in the region.”

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 16, 2024

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