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Iran News in Brief – March 16, 2024

According to an ancient tradition, the families of protesters killed by the regime visited the graves of their loved ones at the end of the Persian year.



12 GOP AGs Urge Biden to Stop Sanctions Relief for Iran


A group of Republican attorneys general on Wednesday wrote to President Joe Biden, urging him to halt sanctions relief for Iran in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack that prompted the ongoing fighting in Gaza.

“As our States’ top law enforcement officials, we write, five months after the horrific Iran-sponsored terror attack on Israel and five months into non-stop Iran-sponsored terrorism directed against U.S. interests, to urge you to stop giving sanctions relief to the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the group, led by Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, wrote.

The group of Republicans further admonished Biden, saying that his “administration has already given almost one billion dollars to the U.N. agency that employed terrorists. We urge you to stop before compounding the problem by giving access to as much as ten billion dollars to one of the world’s top funders of terrorism—Iran.”

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State Media Acknowledge Shocking Traffic Accident Death Toll in Iran


The head of the regime’s traffic police, Teymour Hosseini, disclosed a staggering death toll in Iran due to traffic accidents, revealing that 17,177 individuals lost their lives in such incidents during the Persian year 1402 (March 2023 – March 2024).

Reported by the state-run Mehr News Agency on Saturday, March 16, Hosseini’s admission was devoid of any reference to road infrastructure deterioration, the substandard quality of domestically manufactured vehicles, or the government’s role in the tragic situation. The report also highlighted a 28% surge in fines in 1402, totaling 157 million.

These revelations coincide with an earlier report by the official Iranian news agency, IRNA, dated June 17, which stated that approximately 50 fatalities occur daily due to traffic accidents. Over the past two decades, nearly 400,000 Iranians have lost their lives, with more than 6 million sustaining injuries in such incidents.

Quoting Kamal Hadianfar, the head of traffic police, IRNA’s report underscored that 34% of accident fatalities result from the poor quality and lack of safety features in domestic vehicles. Many domestically produced cars are defective upon leaving the factory, leading to complete destruction in accidents, unlike their sturdier foreign counterparts.

Additionally, the state-run website Asre Iran drew attention to the severity of the tragedy and the alarming statistics of fatalities and injuries in Iran’s accidents. It emphasized that Iran’s mortality rate equals that of the entire European Union.

In a report published on March 12, Asre Iran warned that if the 5% increase in mortality witnessed in the first ten months of the year persists through February and March, the death toll from accidents in Iran would reach an unprecedented 20.6 thousand. This figure matches the total mortality of 27 EU member states in 2022.


Time Is Running Out for Iran’s Dictators

iran torbatjam uprising 16012023

After the fall of dictatorial regimes, a flood of documents, evidence, and signs emerged, and everyone admitted that the overthrow and collapse of that system was the natural outcome of the disorder and chaos in which they were immersed in. The nature and composition of regimes that spend their time suppressing and committing crimes and sustain themselves by looting and exploiting the capital and wealth of the people are not suddenly created overnight. Rather, they have a long history, as the religious fascism that rules over Iran has a long-standing background.

A few days after the sham parliamentary elections in Iran, we witness a deluge of documents and evidence of the stark anger of people boycotting the regime’s sham election. As floods ravage Baluchestan and the lack of basic food and healthcare facilities in this region reflects the deliberate humiliation of the deprived, we are also witnessing bankruptcy, collapse, and major crises throughout other sectors of society.

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Work Accidents Take a Heavy Toll in Iran


Official reports from the Iranian Statistics Center reveal a grim picture. At least 548 people died in work-related accidents during fall 2023. Combined with figures from spring and summer, this brings the total workplace fatalities in Iran to 1,625 for the first nine months of 2023.

These deaths are attributed to a multitude of factors, including a lack of workplace safety due to lax supervision, psychological strain from low wages and inadequate government support, delayed wage payments, excessive work hours, and more. Statistics show an average of at least five daily work-related deaths in Iran in 2023.

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Iran Faces Significant Flood Risk

iran floods june 2023 (1)

A report by the Iranian regime parliament’s research center reveals a critical situation. Nearly 28% of Iran’s landmass, home to roughly 56 million people, is highly susceptible to severe floods. This population is further compounded by an additional 15 million living in areas prone to intense flooding.

Tejarat News, citing the report, highlights the paradox of Iran’s situation. Despite receiving only one-third of the global average rainfall, the country experiences devastating consequences whenever heavy rain occurs. The recent floods in Sistan and Baluchistan serve as a stark reminder of this vulnerability.

According to the Tejarat News report, Iran’s geographical location and geological makeup place it among the top 10 most disaster-prone countries globally. The report further emphasizes the alarming frequency of floods, with approximately 4,500 recorded incidents in the past decade, causing substantial losses.

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Iranian Regime Accused of Laundering Arms to Hezbollah Through Europe

Iranian Regime and Hezbollah Linked to Ecuadors Escalating Violence

A report by The Telegraph alleges Iran has been funneling weapons to Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group, by exploiting European ports.

The report claims Hezbollah received missiles and bombs via ships that docked in Antwerp (Belgium), Valencia (Spain), and Ravenna (Italy). These ports reportedly served as stopovers before the weapons reached Latakia, Syria, and ultimately Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

According to intelligence sources, this strategy stems from Israeli airstrikes targeting Iranian assets in Syria and Lebanon.

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Housing Costs Squeeze Tehran Residents

The Bitter Truth of Irans 25 Square Meter Housing Project

Official data on household income and spending in Tehran reveals that residents dedicated half of their expenses to housing last year. Analysts believe this share has likely grown due to rising housing costs.

According to a report by Dideban Iran, housing consumes half of Tehran’s household budget, compared to just 21% in Bushehr province. While official statistics from Iran’s statistical center are often met with skepticism, the data paints a concerning picture of Iran’s precarious economic situation.

The same statistics show the average national share of housing costs at 38.1%. As of January 2024, the average housing price in Tehran has skyrocketed to 80,600,000 tomans, according to the latest report by the Statistics Center of Iran.

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Iran’s Regime Faces Sanctions Threat Over Potential Missile Sale to Russia


The United States and its allies warned Iran’s regime on Friday that major Western economies would impose significant new sanctions if Tehran proceeds with a plan to supply ballistic missiles to Russia for its war in Ukraine.

U.S. intelligence has long been concerned about a potential deal between Iran and Russia. In January, officials reported negotiations were actively progressing, and in September, Iran’s regime reportedly showcased ballistic missile systems to visiting Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

While the Iranian regime claims no legal restrictions prevent the sale, it has also expressed a moral objection to fueling the conflict. However, the constant reports from the Ukrainian government of shooting down Iranian regime drones used by Russia against Ukrainian cities and its people point to something else.

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Iranian Regime Plans Dramatic Prison Expansion Amid Reports of Systematic Abuses


Iran’s regime is reportedly planning a significant expansion of its prison system, with the construction of 70 new facilities according to research by Iran Open Data. This move comes amidst ongoing concerns about widespread human rights violations within Iranian prisons.

The Prisons Organization is reportedly building these facilities with a planned completion date of 2027. The 2023-2024 budget reportedly allocates over 1.128 trillion tomans for “penitentiary construction.” This substantial investment raises questions about the regime’s priorities, particularly considering the documented abuses within existing prisons.

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Oslo, Norway—Solidarity of MEK Supporters with Iranian Youth and People during the Charshanbe Suri Uprising

Solidarity of MEK Supporters in Oslo, Norway with Iranian People during the Charshanbe Suri - Part 1

Oslo, Norway—March 12, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) gathered to express their solidarity with the brave young men and women of Iran in the Charshanbe Suri uprising across the cities of Iran.

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Vienna, Austria—Solidarity of MEK Supporters with Iranian Youth and People during the Charshanbe Suri Uprising

Solidarity of MEK Supporters in Vienna with Iranian People during the Charshanbe Suri Uprising

Vienna, Austria—March 12, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) gathered to express their solidarity with the brave young men and women of Iran in the Charshanbe Suri uprising across the cities of Iran.

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Berlin, Germany—Solidarity of MEK Supporters with Iranian Youth and People during the Charshanbe Suri Uprising

Solidarity of MEK Supporters in Berlin with Iranian People during the Charshanbe Suri Uprising

Berlin, Germany—March 12, 2024: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) gathered to express their solidarity with the brave young men and women of Iran in the Charshanbe Suri uprising across the cities of Iran.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – March 15, 2024