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Iran News in Brief – March 15, 2022




Calls for Justice in Iran Continues to Echo in Stockholm

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده و بستگان شهیدان سربه‌دار در استکهلم - سه شنبه ۲۴اسفند۱۴۰۰

Today, while Hamid Noury, a former prison guard stood trial before the Swedish Justice system, Iranians and relatives of the massacred political prisoners in 1988 in Iran, held a demonstration in Stockholm and called for the trial of the regime’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, president Ebrahim Raisi and Chief Justice Mohseni Ejei for committing genocide and crimes against humanity.

Following Missile Attack on Iraqi Soil, Khamenei-affiliated Newspaper Fires Up Rhetoric


The state-run newspaper Kayhan, whose editorial guidelines are dictated by the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader’s office, wrote today: “Carrying out missile operations just close to the Kurdish officials who lack resolve themselves, has a special message. Tehran has shown them the cost of holding a normalization meeting with Israel under the banner of the Abraham Accords. This message can also be sent to reactionary Arab rulers on the Persian Gulf.

Reflecting supportive statements from proxy militant groups like Iraqi Hezbollah, the Badr Organization, the Palestinian Movement, Islamic Jihad Movement, Kataeb Hezbollah, Iraqi Alnojaba Movement, and the People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Kayhan daily threatened the Iraqi officials that it will proceed with other attacks, would Baghdad refuse to cave in.

Iran Wary of Disrupting Nuclear Talks Despite Regional Strikes, Says Us General


The general overseeing US forces in the Middle East said on Tuesday that Iran is calibrating its strikes and proxy attacks throughout the region “at a low enough level” to avoid disrupting the continuing nuclear negotiations.

“They’re actively fomenting malign activities across the region,” Gen Kenneth McKenzie, who heads the US military’s Central Command, said before the Senate.

“Their intent is to do it at a low-enough level that it will not, in their view at least, disrupt the negotiating process. In my judgment, that’s a dangerous position for them to have.”

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Iranian Regime Commissions Special Unit to Protect Nuclear Sites


Today, the official IRNA news agency reported that the Iranian regime has founded the Nuclear Corps Command, a special unit that is supposed to protect its nuclear sites.

“Earlier, it was reported that the protection of the country’s nuclear sites had been entrusted to the IRGC, but this is the first time that this issue has been officially confirmed and the existence of a “Nuclear Corps Command” has been revealed,” IRNA said.

The agency added: “In June of this year, after several sabotage operations in the country’s nuclear facilities, Gholamreza Jalali, the head of the country’s passive defense organization, announced the foundation of a single nuclear defense-security command.”


Iranian MP Says Tehran is Benefiting from the War in Ukraine


Javad Nikbin, a member of the Iranian regime’s parliament, said that a war between Europe and the East is in the interest of the Iranian regime.

“The oil and gas transmission lines go to Europe through Ukraine and with this war, Europeans’ energy is affected and they are forced to buy our oil and gas more expensively,” the state-run ISNA news agency quoted Nikbin as saying. “Although the Russia-Ukraine war is therefore in Iran’s favor, it should be noted that our friend’s enemy is also our enemy.”

Claiming that the future of the world is shaped by Bejing, Moscow, and Tehran, the MP added: “China will be an economic superpower, Russia a military superpower and Iran a scientific superpower in the world, and all three will need each other.”

Russia May Do Biden a Favor by Killing the Iran Deal


In a desperate bid to save its economy, Russia has been making demands that could kill President Joe Biden’s effort to revive the Iran nuclear agreement. Strangely enough, that might be a blessing for Biden.

The Kremlin — battered by Western sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine — is trying to undermine the international negotiations with Iran. The last-minute moves have rattled Tehran and infuriated other countries who have spent roughly a year in talks to restore the nuclear deal.

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The FATF Kept the Iranian Regime on Its Blacklist


The Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) kept North Korea and Iran on the list of “high-risk jurisdictions” in the March 4 move, according to the department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

“With respect to the FATF-identified High-Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action, specifically, counter-measures, financial institutions must comply with the extensive US restrictions and prohibitions against opening or maintaining any correspondent accounts, directly or indirectly, for North Korean or Iranian financial institutions,” the US Treasury Department said following the announcement.

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Maryam Rajavi: Decisiveness Vis-a-Vis This Regime Is an Inevitable Imperative


Dear friends and honorable members of parliament,
On the eve of Nowruz and the beginning of the Iranian New Year, I salute all of you and wish that the New Year and the advent of spring would bring the spring of freedom and democracy for the people of Iran. I would like to use this occasion to also salute the courageous women of Ukraine and their resistance. The world is facing a critical situation and at the same time, the regime is engulfed with crises of survival without any solution. Iran’s ruling dictatorship is now at the weakest point of its rule in the past 43 years. Social discontent is widespread because of poverty, corruption, and repression.

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Sweden Deports Spies to Iran


Sweden’s Svenska Dagbladet newspaper reported on March 20 that a couple under investigation on charges of planning a terror operation had been deported to Iran. The couple had been arrested last year.

Quoting a senior Swedish prosecutor, the newspaper wrote, “The deportation of this couple was fast and without issue, and [Iranian authorities] welcomed them.” The official also stressed that the couple had been assigned to assassinate several people.

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Iran: Dozens of Government Websites Disrupted and Defaced


On Monday, March 14, at 9:30 am Tehran time, dozens of websites belonging to the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance were defaced to show photos of Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). The web pages also contained a crossed-out picture of Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei and written slogans “Death to Khamenei. Viva Rajavi.”

According to reports, by 11 am, 64 websites had been defaced and shut down. Also, at least 77 servers and 280 devices belonging to the Ministry of Culture were out of service.

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Iran: More Anti-regime Slogans Played in Major Western City


Members of Resistance Units, an expanding network of brave Iranians associated to the opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), continue their new trend of anti-regime measures, this time in Kermanshah, western Iran, by playing the following slogans in the crowded Vali Asr Street:

“Death to Khamenei! Hail to Rajavi!”

“Death to oppressors! Be it the Shah or [Khamenei]!”

“The only path to freedom is through overthrowing the regime!”

“Death to Khamenei! Khomeini is damned!”

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Iran: “Jihad in Interpretation” Explains Khamenei’s Greatest Fear


Throughout history, tyrants have had the grandiose belief that the people of their country love and support them. They portray themselves as one of the people, uninformed of what is happening in the country they are in control of, all the while claiming that they seek to prove their love to the people.

They think that they are on the right path and the right side of history, seeing themselves as the center of everything. Those who support them are rightful and those who oppose them are wrong. Whenever a disaster happens, they take refuse to take responsibility themselves and blame them on regime officials’ negligence or their foreign enemies.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – March 14, 2022