Iran News in Brief – June 29, 2022




Why Senior Regime Officials Can’t Remain Silent on the MEK’s Role

In 1980, the mullahs’ regime founder and former supreme leader Ruhollah Khomeini told his loyalists in a speech: “Our enemy is neither in the East nor West, nor in Kurdistan. The enemy is right here, under our nose, in Tehran.”

Khomeini’s confidants later admitted that Khomeini and his entire regime were terrified of that main enemy. In 2020, Ahmad Jannati, the head of the Assembly of Experts, recalled that at the time, the regime was afraid, “the MEK will bring the people to the streets.”

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4 Female Singers Arrested for Performing at Weddings in Iran

4 female singers have been arrested in Minab, southern Iran, for singing at wedding ceremonies. Ebrahim Taheri, the general and revolutionary prosecutor in Minab City, located in Hormozgan Province, said, “4 female singers have been arrested for singing at different weddings. If repeated, the singer and the host of the wedding ceremony will both be arrested.”

Taheri added the 4 female singers had performed at various weddings in the city, and their case was now being investigated.

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Western Countries Must Recognize Regime Change in Iran

Iran’s 1979 revolution is considered one of the most important events of the late twentieth century. The overthrow of Mohammad Reza Shah and the emergence of a religious government reshaped Iran, dramatically shifted the balance of power in the Middle East, and generated serious challenges to the global geopolitical order, challenges that continue to this day. Iran’s 1979 anti-monarchy revolution changed the old face of the region permanently and brought challenges to American and European governments. Challenges that have not allowed them to fully implement a cohesive policy vis-à-vis the Islamic dictatorship that replaced the Shah’s dictatorship.

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MEK’s Resistance Units and the Legitimacy of Resisting the Dictatorship

In the years past, the Iranian regime had tried to ignore the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as if they did not exist at all, always maintaining in its official propaganda that it had wiped out 90% of the organization and that what had remained was languishing in exile. This narrative served the objective of projecting itself as an unrivaled regime without any serious opposition. But the effectiveness and the extent of the MEK’s recent campaigns inside and outside Iran have terrified the mullahs, prompting them to react frantically, laying bear its real fear of its archenemy.

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Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Rallies Against the Mullahs’ Regime in Munich, Copenhagen, Sydney, Toronto, and Bucharest

June 25, 2022: Freedom-Loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) demonstrated against the clerical regime in Munich, Copenhagen, Sydney, Toronto, and Bucharest. The rally in Sydney, Australia took place on June 26.

Iranian resistance supporters announced their solidarity with the Iran protests and expressed their support for the MEK Resistance Units inside the country.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – June 28, 2022

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