Iran News in Brief – June 24, 2023

June 22 Zahedan



UN Documents Iran Regime’s Ongoing Human Rights Violations

The UN has issued its latest report of the Iran regime’s human rights violations, documenting a record number of executions in 2022, the arrests of thousands of children, and reports of torture and abuse by security forces.

The report covers developments since the start in mid-September of nationwide protests for rights, justice, and gender equality. The demonstrations were sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody, after she was detained and reportedly beaten by morality police over “inappropriate attire”.

About 20,000 protesters were detained, including thousands of children. At least 44 juveniles, including 10 girls, were reportedly killed by security forces using lethal force.

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Food Items Inflation Rate Remains Above 70%

According to official statistics, the inflation rate of food items in Iran continues to hover above 70%.
The Iranian regime’s Statistics Center announced on Friday, July 23, that the food inflation rate in the month of Khordad (May 22-June 22) was 73%.
Also, the center announced the household consumer price index in the same time span as high as 3.189, which represents a two percent increase compared to the month prior this year and a 42.6 percent increase compared to same period of last year.
Monthly inflation rate is the percentage change in the price index compared to the previous month, which means how much more or less the country’s households have spent in the given time on average to buy the same set of goods and services.

Five UNSC Members Call on UN to Investigate Tehran and Moscow for Violating Resolution 2231

In a joint statement to the UN Security Council, the United States, Britain, France, Ukraine, and Albania warned against Russia’s increasing use of Iranian drones in the war against Ukraine and called for a UN investigation in this regard.

In a statement read by Linda Thomas Greenfield, the American ambassador to the United Nations, the five UNSC members stated: “Russia has not only procured hundreds of Mohajer and Shahed series UAVs from Iran in clear violation of Resolution 2231, but it is also now working with Iran to produce these weapons inside Russia. Russia has been using these UAVs in recent weeks to strike Kyiv, destroy Ukrainian infrastructure, and kill and terrorize Ukrainian civilians.”

Iraq, a New Destination for Iranian Immigrants

As the social and economic problems worsen in Iran under the ruling theocracy, more Iranians immigrate from the country. One of their destinations is the war-torn neighboring country of Iraq, according to the state-run Eghtesad-e Pouya on June 24.

“In 2021, Iraq emerged as the fifth most popular destination for Iranian migrants, indicating a notable preference for relocating to Iraq rather than staying within Iran. Iranians exhibit a strong willingness to leave their home country and seek opportunities elsewhere, displaying a general reluctance to remain in Iran regardless of its current state,” the paper writes.

“To gain a more accurate understanding of this phenomenon, it is crucial to move beyond official statistics and objectively examine historical trends. Consequently, the estimated number of Iranian immigrants worldwide may range from 4 to 10 million individuals,” it adds.

Also, read Iran News in Brief – June 23, 2023

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