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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – June 13, 2022

Iran News in Brief – June 13, 2022

Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held a rally in Toronto, Ontario State, Canada



Accident in Sodium Carbonate Factory in Central Iran Leaves Several Injured, Official Sources


This evening, according to state news agencies, at the Firoozabad sodium carbonate plant, leakage of an ammonia tank injured six people who were all taken to hospital.

Local sources have reported the number of casualties up to 112 injuries.

On Monday, June 13, around 5 PM local time, following the leak of one of the ammonia tanks of the sodium carbonate factory in Firoozabad, in the central Fars province, officials claimed that medical and fire department teams were sent to the scene to help, extinguish the fire and contain the leakage.

According to the head of the provincial Emergency Center, all medical centers and hospitals in the province have been put on high alert.

Reacting to the news about why the main roads to the area have been blocked, the director-general of the Crisis Management Task Force, Khalil Abdollahi, told ISNA: “The firefighting operation has been carried out, but we are waiting for the neutralization of the gas that was released into the air so that the traffic will return to its original state in the previous direction.”

In light of the unprecedented socio-economic crises throughout the country, state officials are terrified that every accident can inflame public grievances and turn into nationwide unrest.

Another Building Collapse on the Horizon in Iran


According to the state-run ISNA news agency, the residents of the Edalat 2 building, which is a subset of the Abuzar Hospital in the 300th district of Ahvaz in the southern Khuzestan province have been evacuating their homes for several days and in temperatures of 50 degrees Celsius, they are living on the streets, in fear of a repeat of the Abadan Metropol disaster.

The infrastructure of this building was planned for six floors, but when the construction started, two more floors were added to the building. Most of the pillars of this building are worn out and cracks have been spotted. Its rebars are rotten and frequently fall on the ground. The residents of this building have been warning state and local officials about the poor state of its structure but to no avail.


Calls of Solidarity with Protests in Iran Across Europe and Canada

Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance held rallies in the Hague, Gothenburg, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and Luxembourg to express their support for the uprisings in Iran while condemning the clerical dictatorship for its repression and crimes against the Iranian people. The demonstrators called for the expulsion of the regime’s intelligence agents from European countries and demanded the closure of the regime’s embassies that have become centers of spying and espionage against Iranian asylum seekers as well as European citizens.

تظاهرات ایرانیان آزاده در حمایت از قیام مردم ایران و فراخوان به اخراج مزدوران اطلاعات آخوندی


Two IRGC Aerospace Forces Reported as Dead


State news agencies reported the suspicious death of two Revolutionary Guards members from the Aerospace Unit as dead.

According to the state-run Jamaran News, “Mohammad Abdous, an employee of the IRGC’s Aerospace Force from Semnan and Ali Kamani, from the IRGC’s Aerospace Force from Khomeyn, were martyred while on duty.”

The state-run ISNA news agency called the cause of death “an accident”.

It is worth noting that the death toll of the cadres of the IRGC Aerospace Force has recently increased, and the clerical regime continues to come up with contradicting statements about “accidents” while branding them with “martyrdom”.


Sixth Day of Anti-regime Protests by Iranian Pensioners and Retirees

pensioners-protests-sari-june-12-2022Retirees and pensioners of the Social Security Organization rallied in several cities on Sunday, June 12, for the sixth consecutive day, protesting the government’s lack of response to their outstanding demands regarding low wages and pensions, insurance issues, and poor living conditions. Demonstrations were reported in Ahvaz, Kermanshah, Borujerd, Bandar Abbas, Sari, Isfahan, and Zanjan among others. These protests, which are being held regularly, are as Iran has seen two waves of intense anti-regime protests in the past two months, triggered by nosediving economic conditions, escalating inflation, and skyrocketing prices of food staples, including bread, milk, dairy products, eggs, poultry, and cooking oil.

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Qarchak Prison Sewage Overflows in the Yard and Into the Wards


Qarchak Prison sewage has overflown the prison yard and onto the wards’ corridor. In addition to the sewage problem, drinking water is also cut off, and the prison authorities are not taking action. Inmates already deprived of their minimal human rights now face new problems.

Recent reports indicate that the Qarchak Prison sewage overflew on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, in the prison yard and gradually flew to cover the floors of all the yards in wards 5, 6, 7, and 8. Prisoners can no longer go to the yards to breathe fresh air, and the sewage odor has filled the prison’s space. Inmates especially feel bad during the night.

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IAEA Showcases Iran’s Uncooperativeness in Its Recent Resolution

REU-PIX-IAEAs-monitoring-and-verification-work-in-IranFor nearly 18 months Iran’s regime has been resorting to various deceptive measures to prevent an IAEA resolution from being tabled and adopted. Whenever the IAEA reported Tehran’s refusal to cooperate and the Board of Governors was on the verge of issuing a report, with just days left the mullahs’ would invite IAEA chief Rafael Grossi to Tehran, provide an insignificant concession along with pledges to cooperate, and kick the can down the road for another three months until the Board of Governors met again; repeating this entire cycle all over again.

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Tehran Legitimizes Security Forces’ Arbitrary Murders


On Friday, June 10, the state-run media in Iran reported that the Parliament [Majlis] is pursuing to legitimize the security forces’ use of weapons during “illegal armed demonstrations,” based on a new government bill. A vast amount of footage has already been posted on and circulated on several social media platforms showing security forces arbitrarily using lethal force against peaceful protesters in recent weeks.

The following footage shows security forces shooting at protesters’ heads and eyes in Shahrekord, the capital of the southwestern province of Chahar Mahal & Bakhtiari, after nationwide protests against the price hikes in essential food staples.

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Bitter Tragedy of Child Laborers in Iran


June 12 is World Day Against Child Labor. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, members of the United Nations General Assembly, including Iran must combat the economic abuse of children, but the number of child laborers in Iran has increased due to poverty as well as lack of action on the part of regime officials.

In Iran, the labor of children under the age of 15 is considered a crime and is banned according to article 79 of the Labor Code. According to Article 80 of the same law, “workers” aged 15 to 18 are considered “juvenile workers” and can be officially employed.

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Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Holding Rally in Toronto to Support Iran Protests – June 11, 2022

Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Holding Rally in Toronto to Support Iran Protests – June,11

Saturday, June 11, 2022: June 11, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) holding a rally in Toronto to support Iran protests across the country.

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