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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – July 8, 2022

Iran News in Brief – July 8, 2022

Traffic jam im Karaj, Alborz Province, Northcentral Iran



Global Firestorm Brewing Over Belgium’s Disgraceful, Secret Deal With Iran’s Regime

belgian-parliamentWhile the Belgian Parliament Foreign Relations Committee leaned on the government-led coalition vote to adopt a recent bill to exchange prisoners with the Iranian regime, a completely different development has been gaining unprecedented global attention. An international campaign has been launched to shed light on Brussels’ illegitimate agreement with Tehran, resulting in tensions even during Belgian parliamentary sessions on July 5 and 6.

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Iran: Fearing the Spread of Uprisings and the Leading Role of Women, Clerical Regime Intensifies Its Repressive Measures

English-statement-minFearing the spread of uprisings and the leading role of women, the clerical regime has intensified its repressive measures. Fearing the spread of popular uprisings and to terrorize and intimidating the public, the clerical regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi, has ordered stepped-up suppression of women in the framework of a 2005 medieval decree entitled ‘chastity and hijab’ by the so-called ‘Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution.’

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Improperly Veiled Women Banned From Entering Metro Stations in Mashhad


The Prosecutor’s Office of Mashhad sent a letter to the city’s governor, urging them to prevent the entry of improperly veiled women to metro stations. Explaining the content of the letter, Hashem Daemi, a member of the City Council of Mashhad, said: “In light of the growing trend of violation of norms in the metro stations, the municipality and its officers are duty-bound to act as soon as they see examples of improper veiling or women appearing in public without a veil.

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Soccer Fans Protest Ousting Captain Voria Ghafouri


On Tuesday, June 28, the Iranian regime’s state media reported that Esteghlal Tehran Football Club’s Captain Voria Ghafouri was dismissed from the club. The media avoided mentioning the reason; however, in an interview, Ghafouri said that the club’s owners did not extend his contract.

Esteghlal FC won the 2021-2022 national league thanks to captain Ghafouri’s skill and leadership, so the club’s refusal to offer a new contract with the beloved captain shocked the club’s fans. Esteghlal FC’s acting CEO Mostafa Ajorlu, an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officer, has brazenly refused to extend Ghafouri’s contract or offer a new one.

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Political Prisoner in Poor Health Condition After Giving Birth


Political prisoner Soada Khadirzadeh has been held in Urmia Prison despite her poor health after giving birth. Branch 3 of the Criminal Court of Mahabad County has set bail of 3 billion Tomans for her release, which her family has so far failed to secure. She gave birth to her baby girl on June 20 after two weeks of delay. She was kept in prison until 3 hours before delivering her baby. Her legs and arms had swollen, and her baby’s health was at risk.

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Trade Union Activist Mohammad Ali Zahmatkesh on Hunger Strike to Protest Continued Detention


Iranian trade union activist Mohammad Ali Zahmatkesh has been on a hunger strike since June 30, in Adelabad Prison of Shiraz. He is protesting his continued detention and his confinement with common criminals. Mohammad Ali Zahmatkesh was arrested on May 14 in a peaceful gathering of teachers in the city of Shiraz. Iranian security forces began a widespread wave of arrests of teachers and educators a few days before the nationwide protest of teachers on May 1, which marks Teacher’s Day in Iran.

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Former Political Prisoner Arrested in Retirees’ Gathering


Security forces arrested former political prisoner Seyyed Javad Seyedi during a gathering of retirees in Tehran on July 2 and transferred him to Ward 209 of Evin Prison controlled by the Intelligence Ministry. He has been imprisoned in undecided condition while being denied access to his lawyer and relatives. Previously, Seyyed Javad Seyedi was sentenced by Branch 28 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, headed by Judge Mohammad Moqiseh, to 8 months in prison on charges of ‘propaganda against the regime,’ and 3 years and 9 months on charges of ‘assembly and collusion against national security.’

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Labor Activist Reyhaneh Ansarinejad Remains in Ward 209 of Evin Prison


Labor activist Reyhaneh Ansarinejad has remained in detention on remand in Evin Prison’s Intelligence Ministry Ward 209. She has been denied family visits and contact. According to an informed source, her young daughter, who depends on her mother as the only parent, is now facing financial hardship and cannot regularly visit due to their economic situation. Intelligence Ministry agents arrested Reyhaneh Ansarinejad on May 12, 2022.

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Four Days of Protests, Iranians’ Struggle Against Injustice Isn’t Over Yet


Since July 4, freedom-loving Iranians held several protest rallies in various European states, the United States, and Canada. They tirelessly voiced their condemnation against the Belgian government’s disgraceful deal with the mullahs’ regime to release the convicted terrorist-diplomat Assadollah Assadi. Iranians believe that this is an apparent injustice, and they would continue to struggle, never remaining silent.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – July 7, 2022