Iran News in Brief – January 6, 2021

Baneh is an impoverished city in Iranian Kurdistan. Yesterday, municipal agents demolished the homes of impoverished Kurdish Iranians in the Moulavi neighborhood in Baneh
Baneh is an impoverished city in Iranian Kurdistan. Yesterday, municipal agents demolished the homes of impoverished Kurdish Iranians in the Moulavi neighborhood in Baneh



The Scotsman

The West must end the appeasement of this terrorist regime – Struan Stevenson

The trial in Belgium of an Iranian diplomat for allegedly attempting to bomb a mass rally of Iranian opposition supporters at Villepinte near Paris in 2018 has provided the clearest sign yet that decades of appeasement by the EU has done nothing to tame this terrorist regime.

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Iranian woman: Take me away and hang me, but 100 more like me are still here

Townhall: Sweden Can Set Precedent By Holding Iran’s Ruling Theocracy Accountable

Perhaps one optimistic sign that 2021 will be a better year than 2020 is that the process for holding one of the most brutal authoritarian regimes in the world accountable will finally begin.

In early 2021, a Swedish court will prosecute Hamid Noury, a former torturer in Tehran’s notorious Gohardasht Prison, near Tehran. He is accused of committing crimes against humanity in the late 1980s, resulting in the massacre of at least 30,000 political prisoners.

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A member of the board of directors of the parliament calls for amputation sentences for petty thieves


Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 478 Cities Exceeds 197,400

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 478 cities across Iran had surpassed 197,400. The number of victims in Tehran is 48,401, Isfahan 12,285, Qom 7,715, Mazandaran 7,577, West Azerbaijan 7,328, Gilan 7,006, Fars 6,040, Golestan 4,882, Sistan and Baluchestan 4,791, Hamedan 4,688, Kerman 4,352, Yazd 3,487, Kurdistan 3,376, Semnan 2,960, and Ardabil 2,427.

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Iran Human Rights Monitor Annual Report 2020 – Crackdown on Protesters

To fend off any form of protest and uprisings, the Iranian regime issued unfair and heavy sentences to crackdown on protesters and dissidents. The regime also used vicious tortures as a means to silence any voice of dissent.

The policy of “creating fear by use of heavy sentences” turned into the official policy of the Iranian Judiciary to counter likely protests in 2020. Ebrahim Raisi, a member of the Death Committees in the massacre of political prisoners in summer 1988, heads the Iranian Judiciary.

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Municipal agents demolished the homes of impoverished Kurd Iranians

Iranian judiciary issues arrest warrant for a victim of violence against woman

The Prosecutor’s Office of Abadan, Branch 7, ordered the arrest of a woman who was badly injured after inhumane treatment by a security agent in the Berim District of Abadan late last October.

Simultaneous with the arrest warrant issued for Ms. Bahareh Cheshm Berah, her assailant, Mehdi Kazemi, was exonerated, her lawyer and a journalist from Khuzestan reported.

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Afkari brothers remain in solitary confinement

Iranians Continue Protests; at Least Eight Rallies on January 4

In response to the Iranian regime’s plunder and suppression, Iranian citizens continue their protests, using any opportunity to vent their ire against the mullahs. In this context, workers, oil employees, medical staff, creditors, pensioners, nurses, actors and actresses, miners, and street-vendors raised their voices against injustice and discrimination.

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Iran news in brief, January 6, 2021

Read moreIran News in Brief – January 5, 2021

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