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HomeIran News NowIran News in Brief – January 2, 2021

Iran News in Brief – January 2, 2021

Gachsaran is a poor city in Iran – Girl, 13, commited suicide in Gachsaran on December 31



Iran sentences

2 people to public flogging for animal abuse in N Iran

IRAN: Prisoner Flogged in Public in Ahvaz

Two Iranians in the northern province of Gilan were sentenced to public flogging for animal abuse, state-run media reported.

In a January 1 report, ISNA News Agency said the two were arrested after the Head of the Rezvanshahr Environment Department received calls reporting animal abuse in the northern city. “The perpetrators of the animal abuse were each sentenced to 74 lashes in public,” Akbar Meighi, the Head of the Environment Department said.

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Iran: Firefighters gathered today outside the Municipality of Isfahan to demand fair wages

Iran Deputy Police Chief: break hands and legs of “machete wielders”

Deputy Chief of Police Qasem Rezaei
Deputy Chief of Police Qasem Rezaei

Iran’s Deputy Chief of Police ordered violence against people who were detained while wielding machetes, according to a video report by the state-run IRNA News Agency. The report showed the arrest of several so-called “troublemakers” or “thugs” who were blindfolded and made to sit on the ground. “If you detain someone during a clash and I see him standing here unharmed, you have to answer as to why he is unharmed,” Deputy Chief of Police Qasem Rezaei tells the police officers standing around him.

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Iran secretly executes three Sunni political prisoners

Hamid Rastbala (left) and Mohammad Ali Arayesh
Hamid Rastbala (left) and Mohammad Ali Arayesh

Three Sunni political prisoners Hamid Rastbala, Kabir Sa’adat Jahani and Mohammad Ali Arayesh were executed on Thursday, December 31, in Vakilabad Prison of Mashhad.

The three Sunni political prisoners were transferred to an unknown location on Thursday, December 31, and were deprived of family visits before their execution. Their families and lawyers were not informed about the executions in advance.

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At the end of 2020, the Iranian regime has executed four prisoners in Sepidar Prison in Ahvaz, S Iran

Healthcare workers gathered today in Shiraz, SW Iran


Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll in 478 Cities Exceeds 195,500


The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Friday, January 1, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 478 cities had exceeded 195,500. The number of victims in Tehran is 47,991, Isfahan 12,025, Qom 7,635, East Azerbaijan 7,507, Mazandaran 7,447, Fars 5,983, Alborz 5,125, Golestan 4,817, Hamedan 4,655, Kerman 4,297, Yazd 3,457, North Khorasan 3,008, Zanjan 2,050, and South Khorasan 1,826.

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Eurasiareview: Europe’s Inaction Is Fueling Impunity In Iran


Iran ended 2020 with an eleventh-hour execution of a child offender, sending the world a signal that the authorities there are in no mood to strike a reformist image as world powers deliberate on the future of nuclear-related sanctions on the regime.

On New Year’s Eve, Mohammad Hassan Rezaiee was executed for an offence he allegedly committed when he was 16 years old. Rights group pointed out his conviction was based on a forced confession.

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Girl, 13, commits suicide in Gachsaran, Iran

Iranians Continue Protests Even on December 31 with at Least Five Rallies


On the last day of 2020, the Iranian people from different walks of life continued their protests against the regime’s mismanagement, corruption, and nepotism. In this respect, in the span of 24 hours, various classes of Iran’s society held at least five rallies and strikes, venting their ire against the corrupt officials and their destructive policies.

Iranians Continue Protests Even on December 31 with at Least Five Rallies

Iran news in brief, January 2, 2021

Iran news in brief, January 2, 2021


Read moreIran News in Brief – January 1, 2021