Iran News in Brief – January 16, 2021




On February 4

the Belgium court will rule on mullahs’ terror master and its diplomat

Activists called on citizens to protest ‘hunger and poverty’

Iranians Continue Protests; at Least Five Rallies and Strikes on January 14

In Iran, people have to struggle for their basic necessities due to the regime’s horrible policies and performances. In response, citizens see protests as the main instrument to achieve their inherent rights.

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Two Executions, Two Amputations at Qom Prison, Central Iran

According to human rights activists, Iranian authorities executed two prisoners and amputated the fingers of two others at Qom’s Langaroud Prison in central Iran.

The human rights association No to Prison – No to Execution reported that the Iranian regime silently implemented the death sentences for two inmates at Langaroud Prison in recent days. Moreover, the regime amputated four fingers of two inmates for robbery.

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Newsweek: It’s Not Too Late To Hold Iran’s Regime to Account for its Greatest Atrocity

Some may argue that a 1988 massacre of thousands of political prisoners in Iran is too distant a memory to warrant attention today. Not so, when that massacre was so widespread and brutal that it constituted a crime against humanity, and certainly not so, when the perpetrators are currently running Iran’s Judiciary.

For comparison, imagine if Ratko Mladić, who massacred more than 8000 Muslim Bosniaks in Srebrenica was today appointed as Judiciary Chief of Bosnia. In Iran, Ebrahim Raisi who sat on the Death Commissions that carried out the 1988 massacre of more than 30,000 political prisoners is today the country’s Judiciary Chief.

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Iran: Coronavirus Fatalities in 478 Cities Surpass 202,100

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on January 15, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 478 cities had exceeded 202,100. The number of victims in Tehran is 49,276, Khorasan Razavi 13,710, Isfahan 12,695, Lorestan 8,183, Mazandaran 7,942, Qom 7,865, West Azerbaijan 7,468, Gilan 7,151, Golestan 5,075, Kermanshah 4,199, Yazd 3,667, North Khorasan 3,113, Semnan 3,005, Zanjan 2,140, South Khorasan 1,906, and Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari 1,600.

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Wave of arrests in Kurdish cities – at least 26 detained or summoned this week

There was a wave of arrests of Kurdish citizens and activists over the past week in Kurdish cities or cities with Kurdish residents.

At least 26 Kurdish citizens were arrested and detained by intelligence agents over the past days in the cities of Mahabad, Marivan, Rabat, Bukan, Sarvabad, and Sanandaj. They were transferred to intelligence institutions.

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Iran: 2021 budget will impose more taxes on the poor

The government of Hassan Rouhani and the Majlis (the parliament) recently had a row on passing the 2021 budget proposal. But at the core of the dispute is not how to better serve the people and the country but how to split the spoils obtained from imposing more heavy taxes on the people.

The Majlis warned Rouhani that the expected oil exports revenue in the budget would not reach the projected figures in the proposed bill and that he must relinquish the idea of exporting more than 2 million barrels of oil per day.

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Detained nurse Bahareh Soleimani transferred to women’s ward of Evin

Detained nurse Bahareh Soleimani has been transferred to the women’s ward of Evin Prison after completion of her interrogations. Intelligence Ministry forces arrested Bahareh Soleimani on October 16, 2020, and detained her in solitary confinement in the IRGC Intelligence Ward 2A in Evin Prison.

Ms. Soleimani suffers from lung complications due to infection with COVID-19 since she had been attending to COVID patients since the outbreak. She needs urgent medical attendance and treatment.

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Iran news in brief, January 16, 2021

Read moreIran News in Brief – January 15, 2021

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