Iran News in Brief – February 19, 2022

Iranian teachers protest on Feb. 1, 2022



Today, upon previous organizing and widespread distribution on social media, teachers from all over Iran took to the streets to protest extremely low wages, unfair contract terms, and systemic discrimination. So far, reports indicate that rallies have started in cities like Tehran, Yazd, Shiraz, Arak, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Hamedan, Kerman, Ahvaz, Rasht, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad, Langrud, Mashhad, Isfahan, Javanrud, Kuhdasht, Qir and Karzin, West Azerbaijan, Ardabil, Semirom, Darrehshahr, Shushtar, Shahrekord, Saqez Vazivieh, Shousha Daniel, Lorestan, Marivan, Babolsar, Behshahr, Tabriz, and Amol. The teachers called on their peers to continue the protest next Tuesday.

According to reports from Karaj, security forces were dispatched to the office of the General Directorate of Education and started to disperse the teachers and prevent any form of gathering on the spot. Following the mobilization of security forces, teachers took to the streets below the headquarters and chanted slogans. The agents threatened and beat the protestors, and started to round up cell phones to avoid filming.


Iranian Regime’s Meddling in Yemen and Support for the Houthis

Back in 1990 following the unification of north and south Yemen, the Iranian regime began its initiative of establishing a foothold in this fledgling and fragile country south of their regional nemesis Saudi Arabia. In 1990 and 1994, Tehran placed its support behind North Yemen, rendering a signed cultural pact on July 5, 1995, with Yemen’s unified government. This agreement served as a platform for the mullahs to expand their influence and fundamentalist measures.

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MP Accuses Former Negotiating Team Members as Western Spies

A member of the Iranian regime’s parliament accused three members of the previous Iranian team in the nuclear talks as ‘Western spies’.

According to the state-run newspaper Donyaye Eghtesad, Mohsen Zanganeh said: “There were weak elements in the previous negotiating team. Out of a total of six negotiators, three of whom were Western spies, and unfortunately, the Minister of Foreign Affairs himself trusted them. But in the current negotiating team, there are strong people with a revolutionary and Jihadi spirit and they appeared powerful at the talks.”

He added: “I had my own reservations and I said there were issues that we had to pay attention to in the JCPOA to avoid some problems. I mentioned them repeatedly in my warnings, but some of those issues were not taken into account.”

Reasons for Iran’s Biodiversity Loss

Iran is home to outstanding biodiversity due to its diverse geological formations, geomorphology, climates, and soils. However, biodiversity in Iran is threatened because of increased population, human activities, climate change, drought, desertification, agriculture, systematic poaching, and mismanagement. Unsustainable economic developments have also helped these crises to become even worse. Soil loss is a major threat to biodiversity brought about by erosion, salinization, sedimentation, desertification, deforestation, overgrazing, and unscientific land conversion.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – February 18, 2022

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