Iran News in Brief – February 15, 2022

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Us Offers $10 Million for Information on Salim Ayyash

BEIRUT (L’Orient-le Jour) – The US State Department announced on Monday that it was offering a reward of up to $10 million for any information on Salim Ayyash, a member of Hezbollah who was found guilty of participating in the attack that killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on Feb. 14, 2005.

“Reward! Up to $10 Million for Info on Salim Ayyash. This Hezbollah terrorist is hiding. Help us find him. Text us your information. You could be eligible for a reward,” a tweet from the US State Department’s Rewards for Justice Twitter account read.

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Malian FM Denounces IRNA Fake News

Malian Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop on Monday, February 14, denied the remarks quoted by IRNA and called on the regime’s official news agency to remove the news.

According to AFP, the state-run IRNA news agency falsified a report about the Malian Foreign Minister’s remarks that Mr. Diop, during a visit to Tehran and a meeting with the regime’s Science Minister Mohammad Ali Zolfigol, has described the Iranian regime as “a role model for countries who are fighting global arrogance” and “oppose its oppressive sanctions.” Mr. Diop denied having made such comments.

“Mali has been sanctioned by some American, European, and African countries, and we are interested in using Iran’s experience to develop science and technology,” IRNA had quoted the Malian FM as saying.

Following the dispatch, the head of Mali’s diplomacy reacted strongly, ordering on his Twitter account that the news agency should delete the quote: “I did not make this statement and request IRNA news agency to remove it.”

Following the strong reaction, the regime’s official news agency changed its headline from “Foreign Minister: Iran a good role model for fighting sanctions” to “Iran welcomes scientific cooperation with Mali” and removed the section concerning sanctions from its report.


The Houthis Days Are Numbered, Yemeni Official Says

Yemeni Minister of Information Muammar Al-Eryani said as the Iranian regime has doubled its arms shipments to the Houthis, it is time for the international community to take action and to bring the Yemeni government back.

Al-Arabiya wrote on Monday, February 14, quoting the Yemeni Minister of Information from Ma’rib province that Tehran has accelerated the process of sending weapons to the Houthis. He added that the recent successive defeats of the Houthis show that the group’s days are numbered.

Iranian Regime Officially Increased the Price of Rice

Following the price increase of domestic rice, Ebrahim Raisi’s government officially increased the price of imported rice from India and Pakistan. The new prices were announced on Sunday, February 13, in a letter signed by Hassan Hanan, a member of the board of directors at the State Trading Company.

According to the Mehr news agency, and based on this announcement issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, the price of each kilogram of Indian rice, which was previously 18,500 tomans, increased to 24,000 tomans. Pakistani rice also increased from 20,500 tomans to 25,000 tomans.

In order to balance its fiscal problems and failing to stop corruption, inflation and systemic fraud, the Iranian regime has been increasing the prices of literally all vital commodities in the country, and it is now depriving many poor families of rice, as the most widely consumed staple food in Iran.

Pentagon Report: Iraq’s Security Forces Overrun by Iranian-backed Militants

Iraq’s security forces are overrun by Iranian-backed militants, the Pentagon disclosed for the first time publicly in a report indicating Tehran’s anti-American militias have long been cashing in on U.S. taxpayer funds.

“Iran and Iran-aligned militias continue to have strong ties to some elements of Iraq’s traditional security forces,” the Pentagon’s inspector general informed Congress in a new report on U.S. military operations in the region. Iraq’s federal police and emergency response division, both overseen by Iraq’s Interior Ministry (MOI), as well as the Iraqi Army’s fifth and eighth divisions “are the units thought to have the greatest Iranian influence.” However, “officers sympathetic to Iranian or militia interests are scattered throughout the security services.”

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MEK Supporters Across Europe Mark Iran’s 1979 Revolution

Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) rallied in five different cities across Europe on Saturday, February 12, commemorating the 43rd anniversary of Iran’s 1979 anti-monarchical revolution.

Cologne, Amsterdam, Oslo, Rome, and Bucharest were scenes of Iranian Resistance supporters gathering to condemn the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran for its human rights violations, support for terrorism, and clandestine nuclear weapons program.

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“Combined Invasion” or Khamenei’s Mounting Horror?

In a recent meeting with the commanders of the army air force, Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, said: “The enemy front against Iran has launched a combined attack, i.e. economic, political, security, media and diplomatic attacks.” He called on the authorities not to take a “defensive stance” against the attack and to launch a combined “offensive” in various fields, including the media, security issues, and the economy. What is Khamenei so afraid of and why now?

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Fate of Iran Regime’s Strategic Plans

Eleven years ago, the Iran regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei decided to create an organization for the progression of the country, while he and the regime’s officials increased their insatiable desire for corruption and plunder.

And handed over the headship of this organization to his cousin Sadegh Vaez Zadeh. This organization was finally called, “Center for The Islamic-Iranian Model of Progress (

The duty of this organization was to create a model for the advancement of the country. But no one asked Khamenei what the previous initiatives—such as Twenty-year Outlook Plan—had achieved to warrant the need for a new organization.

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Omicron Outbreak in Qarchak and Evin Prisons

Reliable sources have reported an Omicron outbreak in Qarchak Prison in Varamin, in Tehran Province. The lives and health of women prisoners, and especially political prisoners, are in danger in Qarchak Prison. According to a report published on February 10, 2022, many women prisoners have contracted the virus. The Omicron outbreak in Qarchak Prison aggravates the low level of health in this prison. There is no medicine or medical facilities to care for sick prisoners.

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Rights Activist Arsham Rezaei Goes on Hunger Strike Over Lack of Medical Care

Imprisoned Iranian rights activist Arsham Rezaei, has been on a hunger strike and refused to take medication since February 7, to protest being deprived of access to medical care and sick leave. In a recent audio message released from prison, Mr. Rezaei announced that in Iranian prisons, “pain is diagnosed and relieved with expired drugs.”

He said in the audio file that he was taken to Rajai Hospital in Karaj on February 2, and after endoscopy, he was diagnosed with hiatal hernia, stomach infection and duodenal ulcer.

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Ebrahim Seddiq Hamedani Resumes Hunger Strike in Marivan Prison

Political prisoner Ebrahim Seddiq Hamedani has been on a hunger strike in Marivan Prison since February 12. He has been on a medication strike since Monday, January 24, and now faces physical problems such as hyperglycemia.

Mr. Ebrahim Seddiq Hamedani’s strike is to protest prison officials’ failure to fulfill their promises that he and his son would be transferred to Sanandaj Prison.

This prisoner’s son, Salar Seddiq Hamedani, started a hunger strike at Kamyaran Prison on Thursday, February 3. He ended his strike a few days later.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – February 14, 2022

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