Iran News in Brief – December 6, 2021

Protests in 2020 Near Tehran’s Amir Kabir University



Iran: 40% Of Khuzestan Palms Were Destroyed Due to Lack of Water

“Water scarcity can affect our trade in many ways, especially in agriculture. With water shortages, products that are exported become weak. For example, 40% of palm trees in Khuzestan have been destroyed due to water shortages,” said Sultan Hosseini Amin, vice president of Ahvaz Chamber of Commerce.

“Lack of water increases the salinity of water and dates do not taste good, this reduces the quality of our product, we become weak in the market. Khuzestan dates are exported to 40 countries, 70 to 80% of Iranian dates belong to Khuzestan,” he added, according to the state-run ILNA News Agency on December 6.


Renowned Economist: Iranian rial plunging again

Steve Hanke, a renowned economist, referred to the rapid decline of the Iranian rial’s value.

“Iran keeps dodging talks to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. This is spooking Iranians and the markets. The Iranian rial is plunging again, reaching a near all-time low of 302,000 IRR/USD. The Khamenei regime seems to like to play with fire,” he wrote on his Twitter account on Monday.


Iranian Expert: People Know the Source of the Country’s Problems

Ghaem Mousavi, a government-affiliated expert mocked the regime’s attempts to blame Iran’s problems on others. “Officials easily blame God for drying a part of the country and identify people’s ‘ungraciousness’ as the real reason for poverty, skyrocketing price, flood, and earthquakes,” he said, according to the state-run Mostaghel daily on Sunday.

 “But people will not be deceived and are fully aware where is the root of the intertwined and accumulated problems and difficulties inside and outside the country,” he added.

Prof. Sheehan: Say the Name That Frightens Iran’s Rulers

In an excellent commentary on Townhall, Professor Ivan Sascha Sheehan explained why the Iranian regime fears the Iranian opposition, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK).

“Despite decades of brutal suppression, the MEK remains unyielding in their calls for a free Iran. By speaking the name of those that gave their lives for freedom, U.S. officials can close ranks with Tehran’s democratic opposition and give hope to those on the Iranian street that the future can be brighter than the past,”  he said.

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Round-up of Iran Protests: People from All Walks of Life Rally Across the Country

Reports obtained by Iran’s opposition group, the Mujahedin-e Khalq, Iranians from different walks of life held a number of protests across Iran on Monday.

On Monday, employees of the Farabi Petrochemical company in Bandar-e Khomeini, southwest Iran, protested unjust employment policies and low paychecks

On December 6, 2021, retirees and pensioners of the Ahvaz Social Security Organization held a rally protesting their poor living conditions and demanded adequate pensions based on rising inflation.

Iranians Hold Protests in Different Cities in solidarity with Risen People of Isfahan

Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq  are continuing to rally in cities across the globe in support of recent protests in Isfahan, central, Iran.


Iran: Coronavirus Death Toll Exceeds 485,200

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Sunday, December 5, 2021, that the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities has reached 485,200. In Tehran, 113,635, Khorasan Razavi 39,405, Isfahan 33,310, West Azerbaijan 18,253, Fars 18,130, Gilan 16,875, Lorestan 16,060, Sistan and Baluchestan 13,430, Alborz 14,233, Kermanshah 9,049, Kurdistan 7,967, North Khorasan 6,163, and South Khorasan 4,221.

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US Official: Iran To Blame for Fallout of Nuclear Talks

Tehran’s stance in nuclear talks in Vienna has been disappointing to all its counterparts, a US official told the media Tehran has used the five-month hiatus in talks to speed up its nuclear program in “provocative” ways, the official said.

Iran is “the reason why there is not a mutual return to compliance” with the original nuclear deal, the American official added. Even China and Russia “were taken quite aback” over Tehran’s stance and “share a sense of disappointment,” the official said In draft proposals Tehran has increased sanctions relief demands and suggested fewer limits on its nuclear program.

Iranian Resistance Units Carry Out Activities in Support of Protests in Isfahan

On Friday, the Iranian regime dispatched thousands of troops to Isfahan and set up an undeclared martial law to prevent the farmers of the province from gathering and holding protest rallies. But their voices are being heard across the country thanks to the efforts of Iranian Resistance Units.

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Iran’s Regime Increases Security Measures Ahead of National Student Day

Reports from Iran indicate that the regime has been frantically mobilizing its forces ahead of the country’s national student day on Tuesday.
The regime’s top officials including its president Ebrahim Raisi and parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf have said they would go to the university.

Read more: Iran News in Brief – December 5, 2021

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