Iran News in Brief – December 31, 2020




Maryam Rajavi’s New Year Message 2021

Fellow compatriots,

supporters of the Iranian Resistance around the world,
I wish my compatriots in Iran and all the people of the world permanent relief from the Coronavirus pandemic, and I wish you all the very best in the New Year 2021.
Congratulations to all those who are yearning for freedom and cherishing democracy. I congratulate everyone who struggles for a new world free of tyranny, oppression and darkness.

The year 2020 saw the outbreak of the Coronavirus in Iran and many countries around the world. At the same time, it was a year of impasse and a series of major defeats for the clerical regime.

May the New Year be a year of health and of defeating the virus, as well as the year of ultimate defeat of the clerical dictatorship in Iran.

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If We Don’t Let People Protest, They Will Overrun This Regime

On December 22, in a debate hosted by the state-run Mafel-e Dal internet channel, two professors of Tehran Imam Sadegh University discussed Iran’s social developments. In his comments, law professor Ali Saber Toulaei blamed the regime for applying an atmosphere of suffocation and killing many innocent people during the gas protests in November 2019.

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Iran’s auto industry expert explains the corruption in the car manufacturing industry

Political prisoner jailed in Evin starts her 12th year in detention

Political prisoner jailed in Evin starts her 12th year in detention without leave

Maryam Akbari Monfared started her 12th year in prison on Wednesday, December 30. She is a political prisoner jailed in Evin since 2009 without one day of furlough.

Maryam Akbari was arrested at 3 a.m. on December 30, 2009, after the major upheavals on December 27 that year which nearly toppled the clerical regime.

In June 2010, the 15th Branch of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court sentenced her to 15 years in prison on the charge of “Moharebeh (waging war on God) through membership in the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran,” a charge which she never accepted.

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Iran’s regime has executed a juvenile offender this morning

This morning, Thursday, December 31, Khamenei’s forces executed Mohammad Hassan Rezaiee in Rasht prison in Iran. He was 16 years old at the time of the alleged crime.

Amnesty International wrote on Wednesday, December 30, that the Iranian authorities must immediately stop the execution of a 30-year-old Mohammad Hassan Rezaei, who was 16 years old at the time of the alleged crime and was sentenced to death on the basis of confessions obtained under torture.


Coronavirus Disaster in Iran – the Staggering Number of Victims in 478 Cities Exceeds 194,400

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced this afternoon, December 30, 2020, that the Coronavirus death toll in 478 cities had exceeded 194,400. The number of victims in Tehran is 47,761, Isfahan 11,865, Qom 7,595, Mazandaran 7,377, Fars 5,950, Alborz 5,105, Golestan 4,797, Sistan and Baluchestan 4,741, Hamedan 4,635, Kerman 4,227, Kurdistan 3,336, Semnan 2,939, Hormozgan 2,045, Zanjan 2,030, Ilam 2,005, Bushehr 1,944, and in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari 1,525.

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Iran regime’s vaccination scam

Contradictory remarks by Iran regime’s officials underline their intention of using the Covid-19 vaccine issue as a leverage to lift sanctions, further plunder Iranians, and intentionally increase casualties.


The Assadi file: More undeniable evidence on Tehran’s bombing plot against the Iranian Resistance

At the end of January, a Belgian court will issue a verdict on the trial of the Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi, charged with plotting a bombing attack against the 2018 Free Iran rally of the Iranian opposition in Paris. During two-and-half years of investigation, Belgian authorities have found undeniable evidence revealing connections between Assadi and three other terrorists involved in the foiled plot.

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Branch 8 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court sentenced Arash Ganji to 11 years in prison

Incarcerated teacher, Hashem Khastar, in critical health conditions

The health of Hashem Khastar, a teacher detained in the Central Prison of Mashhad, is critical but he continues to be harassed in prison. Mr. Khastar, 67, is under a lot of pressure and detained in difficult conditions. He suffers from high blood pressure and needs to be treated as soon as possible. But prison officials not only refuse to release him but have increased harassing and pressuring this old teacher.

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Issues & Insights: An Investigation into Iran’s 1988 Massacre is Long Overdue

By Ali Safavi

This month, tens of thousands of grieving families of victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran received a major boost for their calls for justice. Half a dozen UN experts made public a report that describes the massacre as a “crime against humanity” and deserving of an international investigation. This is a major blow to the Iranian regime and heralds a new era that would see an end to the climate of impunity for the regime’s murderers.

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Iran news in brief, December 31, 2020

Read moreIran News in Brief – December 30, 2020

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