Iran News in Brief – December 30, 2021

Isfahan – Activities of the MEK supporters and the Resistance Units – “Maryam Rajavi: Rise up to overthrow the velayat-e faqih regime” – December 27, 2021



National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Holds Biennial Session

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held its biennial session in Paris on December 27 and 28, 2021. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s President-elect, presided over the session.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, flights cancellations, and other protective restrictions imposed to prevent the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, NCRI’s members in various countries and Ashraf 31 in Albania attended the session virtually.

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Iran’s State Media Acknowledges Regime’s Corruption

In an article on December 30, the state-run Mardom Salarie daily acknowledged Iran’s economy is in shambles due to the regime’s corruption.

“Iran’s economy is completely closed and internal. If the country had a global economy and it operated in a global market, corruption would be less. One of the reasons that the FATF is not approved in Iran is that Iran’s economy is filled with embezzlement and money laundering and [the regime] does not want to correct this issue,” read the article.

Hundreds Die in Iran as Thalassemia Patients Struggle To Obtain Much Needed Medicine

Iranian officials blame medicine shortages on the US sanctions. US officials have stressed time and again that medical supplies and appliances are not sanctioned.

Iran’s Regime Demolishes the House and store of a Disabled Man

Reports from Iran indicate that regime authorities demolished the home and store of a mentally disabled man in Maraghe, northwest Iran, claiming he did not present adequate documents for the property. This brutal regime has brought nothing but misery for the Iranian people.


Regime-Affiliates Reveals Shocking Details of Iran’s Economic Crises

Farshad Momeni, one of the regime’s economists acknowledged the depth of corruption in the Iranian regime.

“Only based on the published date by the Supreme Audit Court of Iran about the budget deduction of 2018 and 2019, by stopping corruption, we could earn twice the public budget of 2022-2023, he said.

“The quality of people’s life has unprecedently fallen. The national of national production potential has collapsed catastrophically. We are experiencing the most unprecedented deindustrialization in Iran’s modern history. Most importantly, the government is in the worst financial position,” he said according to the state-run Setar-e Sobh



Iran Nuclear Talks: What Are Tehran’s Demands in Vienna

As talks over Iran’s nuclear program continue in Vienna, Tehran is making three key demands from the U.S.

1- All sanctions must be lifted from Iran and no future sanctions will be imposed on the regime

2- No future administration should withdraw from the nuclear agreement

3- Companies that enter trade deals with Iran must not exit the country and will not be subject to sanctions

Experts and analysts warn that Iran’s demands are difficult to meet, if not impossible Tehran’s history of money laundering and funding terrorism makes it difficult to conduct business with Iranian companies.

Tehran has yet to agree to discuss its ballistic missile program during the talks. And it is in severe breach of the 2015 nuclear agreement.


Iran: Marking the Anniversary of 2017 Uprising

Coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the December 2017 uprising in more than 140 cities in Iran, the Resistance Units and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) marked the uprising and its message in different cities of Iran.

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Iran: Financial Corruption Is Worth at Least Twice the Government Budget

In remarks to Setareye Sobh daily, economist Farshad Momeni revealed alarming facts about financial corruption in Iran.

Momeni: “According to the Court of Audit’s data… you can earn twice the 2022 budget by closing part of financial corruption channels.” This is while the regime is constantly claiming that budget deficits and economic problems are due to sanctions.

Momeni further warned about deteriorating economic and living conditions in Iran. “The quality of life has seen an unprecedented drop. National production has dropped catastrophically,” he said.

“This is the most unprecedented destruction of industries in the past 50 years… and the government is in the worst financial situation,” he added.

As Vienna Talks Enter Eighth Session, Iranian Regime Demands Still Show Signs of Escalating

Negotiations to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) entered their eighth session on Monday, as skepticism about their prospects continued to grow. The seventh session began on November 29 following a gap of more than five months and continued through the first week of December with little, if any, progress. In fact, officials from the United States, Britain, France, and Germany all indicated that Iran’s posture in those talks had actually undermined earlier progress by backtracking on points that had supposedly been agreed to over the course of six sessions between April and June.

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Iranian Officials Are Worried About Growing Protest Movements

Once again, the streets of several cities across Iran became a scene of public outrage at the regime. On Tuesday, retired teachers held demonstrations in 18 provinces, protesting the regime’s outrageous policies to ignore their needs and their outstanding demands.

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Iran: COVID-19 Death Toll Exceeds 493,300

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, that the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities is more than 493,300. In Tehran the death toll has reached 115,360, Isfahan 34,095, Fars 18,610, West Azerbaijan 18,603, Gilan 17,120, East Azerbaijan 17,053, Sistan and Baluchestan 13,630, Lorestan 16,335, Kerman 13,302, Golestan 10,745, Yazd 8,148, and Ilam 4,713.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – December 29, 2021

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