Iran News in Brief – December 24, 2022




USCIRF Condemns Sentencing of Baha’i Women in Iran

Washington, DC – The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRFcondemned Iran’s sentencing of two Baha’i woman who were former members of the imprisoned Yaran Iran, known as the Baha’i Seven.

Following an hour-long trial, Judge Iman Afshari of Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced Mahvash Sabet (age 69) and Fariba Kamalabadi (age 60) to 10 years in prison. Both women previously served a 10-year sentence between 2008 and 2018 alongside five other Baha’is related to their social and spiritual work in the Iranian Baha’i community. Amid ongoing protests in Iran over mandatory religious headscarf laws and other restrictions on freedom, Iran’s government has arrested scores of Baha’is and other religious minorities.

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Iran Uprising at a Glance – Day 100

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Saturday, December 24, 2022 – 8 PM GMT+1

Today, as Christians celebrate Christmas Eve, the revolution in Iran is marking its 100th day since the day when 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, from Iran’s Kurdistan region was killed in police custody after being arrested for not properly covering her hair.

In continuation of the nationwide protests, in the city of Zahedan, southeast Iran reports circulating on social media indicated that armed locals opened fire on a vehicle of the security forces on Fazeli Street, killing two regime agents.

In Tehran, protesters used Molotov cocktails in targeting a site of the regime’s IRGC paramilitary Basij units.

Tehran’s Enghelab (Revolution) Square was the scene of protests and clashes between the residents and the suppressive forces.

In Tehran’s south Janatabad district, locals staged a rally, chanting, “Death to the IRGC, death to the dictator.”

In the capital’s Tehranpars district Schoolgirls protested and chanted: “Death to the dictator!”, “Death to Khamenei!” referring to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Also in Tehran‘s Narmak district, protesters chanted: “Khamenei, you dictator! We’ll bury you!” At the City Theater Metro Station, locals chanted “Death to the dictator!” while security forces fired tear gas into the building.

In Isfahan, central Iran, protesters rallied in Chaharbagh and chanted, “Death to the dictator!”

In Mashhad, northeast Iran, locals in the city’s Ahmadabad district continued their protests against the regime.  Protesters let fires in the street and chanted “Death to Khamenei, Damned be Khomeini” and “This is the year of blood, Khamenei will be toppled.”

In Karaj, west of Tehran, locals braved the snow and chanted ”death to Khamenei”. In Fardis township, protesters staged a rally, chanting, “Death to the murderous Khamenei, death to the child-killing regime.” In the city’s Golshahr district locals chanted, ”Death to the dictator,” “Our judges are murderers! The entire system is corrupt” and “This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) is overthrown!”

In Sanandaj, western Iran locals in the city’s Nabovvat Square kept staging a protest against the regime. They also lit fires and blocked the highway.


Maryam Rajavi’s Christmas Message

The anniversary of the birth of Jesus, the son of Mary, is a new dawn for the enchained humanity. On this blessed occasion, I congratulate all the followers of Jesus Christ, the great prophet of monotheism and unity.

I salute the Virgin Mary, who embodies human liberation, and whose name evokes painful hardships and trials for a great birth. And peace be upon Christ, the prophet of justice and revolution and the harbinger of an era when “the last will be first and the first will be last.”
Now, the song of the Virgin Mary can be heard: “My soul glorifies the Lord; He, who has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble, and has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.”

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Protests Reported in Various Parts of Iran as Anti-regime Sentiment Escalates

Protests enter their 99th consecutive day on Thursday in Iran as any gathering, including mourning ceremonies for protesters killed by the regime’s security forces quickly evolve into anti-regime rallies. This includes protesters using all opportunities to voice their dissent and hatred of the mullahs by chanting anti-regime slogans including “Death to Khamenei!” and “Death to the dictator!” referring directly to regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Iran’s Baluchi community launched their weekly Friday rallies following their mass prayers and took to the streets for anti-regime demonstrations. Such protests are being reported from different cities across the vast Sistan & Baluchestan province of southeast Iran.

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Dr. Afsaneh Sadat Modabber Arrested at Her Clinic

Dr. Afsaneh Sadat Modabber was arrested at her workplace on Tuesday, December 20, 2022. Three male and one female agent entered her workplace, a drug addiction clinic, with fake documents. The agents introduced themselves as representatives from the anti-narcotics headquarters. After they arrested Dr. Afsaneh Sadat Modabber, they took CCTV footage of the clinic with them.

Dr. Afsaneh Sadat Modabber has not had any contact with her family since her arrest. Dr. Afsaneh Sadat Modabber warned at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic over the virus outbreak in Iranian prisons.

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