Iran News in Brief – December 16, 2021




Experts Warn About Outlook of Iran’s 2022 Budget

On December 12, Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi handed his first budget bill to the Majlis (Parliament).

The bill, which is for the Persian year 1401 (starting in March 2022) has caused alarm among economic experts Kamran Nadri: “Under the upcoming budget, the people’s income will cause dissatisfaction among different segments of the society…” “… We’ve seen the slightest increase in salaries against the 50-percent inflation rate.”

Mohammad Reza Mahboobfar: “Under the current conditions, the increase of poverty and inequality is inevitable…” “… Currently, 600,000-700,000 people slip from the middle to the lower class every month.”

Prisoner Dies Due to Denial of Medical Care in West Iran Prison

A prisoner died on November 30, after being denied adequate medical treatment in a prison in Ilam, western Iran.

Ruhollah Maleki, 30, was on the fourth day of his hunger strike that day when he was taken to the prison hospital after attempting to commit suicide by taking pills.

His physical condition was serious but he was returned to the ward without receiving adequate treatment, which led to his death.

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Teachers Protests in Hamadan on Thursday

According to the Iranian opposition, teachers in Hamedan, northwest Iran, held a protest voicing economic woes and demanding fair and higher wages. They underlined that the parliament deliberately botched a bill supposedly aiming to guarantee they would earn about 80% of the salaries of university faculty members.

It is worth noting that Iranian teachers held a nationwide strike for three days last week.

Tehran Agrees on Reinstalling Cameras at Nuclear Site but Will Keep Recordings

Iran has agreed to IAEA inspectors replacing cameras at a contested nuclear facility in Karaj Iran resumed the production of advanced centrifuge parts at the facility in late August, with no international monitoring. But Tehran will keep hold of recordings and will only hand them over to the IAEA if there is an agreement to restore the nuclear deal. Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, called the agreement “a game” “Iran gives up nothing by allowing the IAEA to change tapes; the regime still holds the tapes hostage as it does at other facilities,” he said “And all the while, Iran’s centrifuges keep spinning,” Goldberg added.


Alarming Number of Women Executed in Iran

At least 15 women have been executed this year in Iran, human rights activists have told AFP. Most women executed in Iran recently have been hanged for murder, mainly cases over the killings of a husband or partner Iran’s regime carries out retribution hangings without considering extenuating circumstances such as domestic violence.

A recent case is Susan Rezaeipour, executed for the murder of her husband, who regularly beat her. In 2014, 26-year-old Reyhaneh Jabbari was hanged for murdering an intelligence officer who tried to sexually assault her.

Iran’s judicial system discriminates against women, setting the criminal responsibility age of girls at 9 as opposed to 15 boys Also, court testimonies from women carries less legal weight than those of men


Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the Iranian opposition Muuajhedin-e Khalq (MEK) held a protest in Vienna on Wednesday, calling on world powers to end the appeasement policy vis-a-vis the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran.

The Undeclared Figures in Iran’s 2022 Budget

3 days after Ebrahim Raisi delivered his budget bill to the Majlis, its controversies are still making the rounds.

The budget is riddled with ambiguities, making it easy for officials to pocket money that should be spent on running the country. Two-thirds of the budget has been allocated to government-run companies, whose profits and losses are not mentioned in the bill The bill has concealed the government’s budget deficit through fraudulent manipulation of accounting records Instead, ministries and government bodies are instructed to cover their deficits with their own “initiatives.”

The bill also doesn’t account for the daily sales of 2 million barrels of oil and condensate across the country.

Iran: COVID-19 Fatalities Surpass 488,800

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, that the COVID-19 death toll in 547 cities has exceeded 488,800. In Tehran death toll has passed 114,460, Isfahan 33,620, Khuzestan 29,615, Fars 18,310, Gilan 16,985, Alborz 14,318, Kerman 13,127, Central Province 8,908, Yazd 8,063, and Ardabil 6,175.

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Iran: Political Prisoners in Urmia Prison Stage Hunger Strike for Fourth Day Running

On the fourth day of the hunger strike by political prisoners in Urmia Prison, the Iranian Resistance again emphasizes the need for an international mission of inquiry to visit Iran’s prisons, especially in Urmia Prison, and meet with political prisoners.

Dozens of political prisoners in Urmia Prison have been on a hunger strike since Sunday, December 12, to protest against their possible transfer to a new ward, which lacks basic facilities and adequate space and is subject to much stricter controls and restrictions.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – December 15, 2021

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