Iran News in Brief – August 31, 2021

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PS752 Victims’ Families Call For Persecution of the Iranian Regime’s Highest Officials

600 days after the downing of the PS752 Ukrainian Airliner by the IRGC Aerospace Force on January 8, 2021, Tehran Military Prosecutor’s Office issued a statement banning the pursuit of a number of Iranian government institutions and individuals in connection with the IRGC missile attack on the flight FS752 of Ukraine.

Henceforth, a note was sent to the families of the victims of the attack. According to the communiqué, the prosecution of the Iranian regime, the Supreme National Security Council, the Revolutionary Guards, the Integrated Air Defense Network, the Revolutionary Guards Air Force, and the Civil Aviation Organization of Iran is prohibited.

Hossein Salami (Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC), Amir Ali Hajizadeh (Commander of the Aerospace Force of the Revolutionary Guards), and Ali Abedzadeh (then head of the Aviation Organization) were also banned from prosecution by the Tehran Military Prosecutor’s Office. Instead, ten mid and low-ranking officers were charged with the manslaughter of 177 people, negligence, and failing to follow official duties.

Today, the victims’ families of a Ukrainian airliner issued a statement, rejecting the Iranian regime’s “restraining order” for the ‘real culprits of this heinous crime’, declaring that only a “neutral international tribunal” would have jurisdiction over the massacre.

The statement called for the persecution of the regime’s SNSC who ordered to keep the skies open and use innocent civilians as human shield; the IRGC and its high command, who are directly implicated in the shooting of at least two missiles at a passenger jetliner; the government’s top officials who conspired to lie and deceive to hide their crime; and Ali Khamenei [the Iranian Supreme Leader], who is ultimately responsible for the crime as the Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of Iran.


Protests Continue Throughout Iran

Despite the Iranian state propaganda’s claim that the “populist government” of Ebrahim Raisi is going to take care of the people, those who are living under the poverty line and continue to be deprived of months-long overdue wages, are holding their signs high to show the world that the truth is visible in the streets rather than the illustrious headlines of the state-run media.


Regime Warns Against Rajavi’s Call for Regime Change

On August 30, the state-run Daneshjoo news agency, affiliated with Khamenei’s paramilitary Basij Force, published an article with the title ‘Vaccination and Dangerous Abuse of the Enemy’, citing social hatred of Khamenei for banning vaccines.

Excerpts from this article stated: “The huge challenge that the system is facing, originated from the Coronavirus pandemic has now become a security issue. The reason… is the intense psychological warfare waged by the People’s Mojahedin in this regard. They … insinuate that all countries are going ahead with vaccinations, except Iran that does not want to vaccinate people because of a “deliberate policy!”

“The Mojahedin are not done with this either, rather with all their huge propaganda apparatus, with their satellite network, with various websites, and with their cyber army, they insinuate to the people and society that Khamenei is the main culprit for the lack of vaccines,” the agency added.

Daneshjoo also wrote: “The Mojahedin … are in pursuit of riots and call the Coronavirus an accomplice of the regime that has been used to fight off the uprisings… Massoud Rajavi sends messages and says that Khamenei considers the Covid-19 and mass casualties a blessing for guarding his regime against the threat of uprisings… This line of abuse has now promoted the dangerous belief in society that Khamenei is to blame for the lack of vaccines. As next, Massoud Rajavi will call the people to revolt and rise up, and unfortunately, this will echo a lot in the society.”


High Covid Death Rates in Iran Due to Black Fungus Infection

An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist of Hazrat Rasool Akram Hospital (PBUH) said: “30% of patients with black fungus who contracted the Coronavirus have lost their lives because of the transmission to their brain.”
The state-run IRNA news agency quoted Dr. Saleh Mohebbi as saying that 50 percent of black fungus patients were controlled with treatment and the other 20% underwent surgery.


Iran: The Staggering COVID-19 Fatalities Surpass 394,900

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Monday, August 30, 2021, that the Coronavirus death toll in 547 cities exceeds 394,900. The number of victims in Tehran has reached 92,746, Khorasan Razavi 29,085, Isfahan 26,050, Khuzestan 24,286, Mazandaran 15,330, East Azerbaijan 14,198, Fars 14,017, West Azerbaijan 13,843, Gilan 13,555, Sistan and Baluchestan 11,715, Alborz 11,493, Qom 11,075, Kerman 10,238, Golestan 9,410, Hamedan 7,698, Central Province 7,503, Kermanshah 6,938, Hormozgan 6,845, Yazd 6,808, North Khorasan 5,194, Ardabil 4,925, Qazvin 4,359, and Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari 3,100.

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Medicine Shortage Crisis in Iran Endangers People’s Lives

Iran is facing a disastrous and tragic resurgence of coronavirus infections, with the number of covid cases and deaths escalating at an unprecedented rate. With the rising number of coronavirus fatalities, the criminal policies of the regime ruling Iran in this regard are being exposed. Prior to the emergence of the delta variant, the Covid-19 had provided an opportunity and blessing for Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei to temporarily delay the brewing storm of nationwide popular protests and all-out social uprisings.

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Iranian Officials Make Contradictive Remarks on Leaked Footage of Rights Abuses in Evin Prison

A week after videos leaked from Iran’s notorious prison revealed a fraction of the crimes committed in Iran’s prisons, regime officials still don’t know how to respond and are making contradictive remarks. On Sunday, Mohammad Mossadegh, the first deputy of the judiciary, claimed that some of the videos that have been published on social media are “fabricated” and “have nothing to do with the prison.”

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Political Prisoners in Iran Under Pressure

Reports from the city of Semnan, northern Iran, indicate that on, August 27, former political prisoner, Alireza Nabavi Chashmi, was sent to prison again. He is said to have been summoned to serve a 15-month prison sentence. Alireza Nabavi had previously been arrested in February 2020. In addition, Alireza Nabavi was arrested during the nationwide protests in 2009 on charges of supporting the Mojahedin Khalq (MEK/PMOI) and spent a long time in prison.

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Iran Central Bank: Tehran Housing Prices Soar by 34% In August

Iran’s Central Bank said Tehran housing prices had increased by 35% compared to August 2020. According to the report published by state-run media, Tehran’s housing prices in April, May, June and July, increased by 91.7%, 69.7%, 56.6%, and 43.7%, respectively. In August, the number of residential apartment transactions in Tehran reached 5,500 residential units, which shows an increase of 8.4% compared to the previous month and a decrease of 39.4% compared to the same month last year.

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Child Rights Official Says Iran’s Child Marriages 3 Times More Than Official Stats

A children’s rights official said the number of Iran’s child marriages was three times higher than official statistics. The Statistical Center of Iran said on August 20 that the marriage of girls between 10 to 14 years of age had increased by 10.5% in 2020 compared to 2019. Speaking to the ISNA state-run News Agency, the Secretary of the National Authority of the Convention of the Rights of the Child said the marriage of children under 13 was prevalent in Iran.

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Mass Murder of Political Prisoners in 1988 Massacre Amounts to Genocide

1,000 political prisoners and witnesses of torture in Iran’s prisons took part in a conference, that coincides with the 1988 Massacre’s 33rd anniversary, to demand that the officials of the Iranian regime should be prosecuted for their involvement in the mass murders of political prisoners in the summer of 1988. During the 1988 massacre, based on Khomeini’s fatwa, the clerical regime executed at least 30,000 political prisoners. Most of the victims were members and supporters of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI). They were massacred for their steadfast commitment to MEK’s ideals and the Iranian people’s freedom.

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Experts Call For Accountability of Iranian Regime Leaders for the 1988 Massacre

Experts call for accountability of Iranian regime leaders for the 1988 massacre. More than 1,000 witnesses of the 1988 massacre in Iran convened in an online conference on Friday, August 27, 2021. The event featured dozens of jurists and experts in international law and the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who is the architect of the Iranian Call for Justice Movement.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – August 30, 2021 

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