Iran News in Brief – April 8, 2022

A market in Shahre Rey, Tehran Province, Iran



Public Humiliation of People in Central Iran

State security forces in Buinzahra, Qazvin Province, publicly drove two accused citizens around the city to humiliate them and intimidate the people. Today, the footage was circulated on Persian language social media that showed this inhuman act.

In recent years, the clerical regime has been turning the accused around Iranian cities from time to time in order to create terror and intimidate an explosive society. An act that violates human rights treaties, domestic law, and violates human dignity.


Khamenei’s Representative in Qom Doubles Down on Delisting the IRGC

In his Friday prayer sermon, Hashem Hosseini Bushehri, the Iranian regime’s representative in Qom said: “We are trying to end a fight that the enemy has been waging for a long time and it’s under the pretext of the NPT, which means they say you are looking for a nuclear weapon. We say that you ought to close this case. They say that some gentleman has fled the country with his computer and we found out that you are seeking a nuclear weapon. No, you are wrong!”

He added: “Another issue is regarding our dear IRGC. They are higgling and bargaining about keeping the IRGC sanctioned. We explicitly declared that the IRGC is one of the sacred pillars of our Islamic system. Some people are saying we should wave the issue and keeping the IRGC under sanctions is not an issue. No way! The IRGC is among our preconditions for the talks and must be delisted.”

Khamenei’s Representative in Mashhad Pushes for Restricting Internet

In his Friday prayer sermon, Ahmad Alamalhoda, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader’s representative in Mashhad said today: “Unfortunately, we have as many free and open media in this country as we have smartphones! They produce messages, they republish messages, without asking for permission from anyone, and no one is holding them accountable.”

Calling on the regime’s followers to counter the flow of free information and public exposure of the regime’s atrocities on the internet, he added: “Those of you who have a smartphone in your hand, you can produce messages. You can publish messages. You are responsible. You must actively engage in “Explanatory Jihad”, facing the vicious attacks that are taking place in this utterly limitless cyberspace in this country. It is your duty and failing to do so, you are violating the rule of God.”

While Alamalhoda’s speech was broadcasted by the local Astane Razavi TV, he warned: “My second message is to the country’s officials. To those in the parliament and the government. How long do you want to drag your feet before you control the internet? How many years ago was the High Council of Cyberspace founded by the order of the Supreme Leader? What does this council do anyway? Why do we have such a vast connection in the country? What are we going to do with this huge gate that has been opened to the enemy so that the enemy can come and work in this space and whatever it deems fit? Why are you so relaxed like this? The parliament comes up with an excuse every day. One day, they say the (internet) ‘protection bill’ is good. Then they say that the protection plan is not acceptable. Why are you delaying things? What are you waiting for? How far do you want the enemy to come? What do you want the enemy to do to make you think about modifying this cyberspace?”

Regime’s Supreme Leader’s Representative in Isfahan Incites Violence Against People Who Refuse to Fast During Ramadan

During his Friday prayer sermon, the Supreme Leader’s representative in Isfahan Yousef Tabatabai Nejad said: “The people themselves should do what is good and forbid what is bad. If you can’t do this alone, take a few people and go to disrupt the business of those who eat during Ramadan. I’m not saying you should fight them. But let them understand that they live in a city that is alive and not in a dead city where our values are forgotten. We should not pass by each other indifferently, the commandment of good and the prohibition of evil belong to living human beings, and if we ignore sins like that, we will be considered dead people.”


Meta has disrupted two separate cyberespionage groups from Iran that were using a variety of tactics on its platforms to target academics, activists, journalists and other victims. One of the groups, which has not been previously identified, was impersonating legitimate companies and used a complex network of fake personas across Facebook, Telegram, and other platforms to entice victims.

The disruptions are part of Meta’s efforts to remove malicious and inauthentic behavior from its platforms, and the company regularly takes down disinformation, cyberespionage, and other operations. In its most recent Adversarial Threat report, released Thursday, Meta said that the newly identified group from Iran was targeting companies in the energy, maritime,

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Iran: Authorities Violating Absolute Prohibition of Torture Through Harassment of Witnesses Involved in Iran Atrocities Tribunal

The Iranian authorities are violating the absolute prohibition of torture or other ill-treatment
through the harassment of witnesses who testified at the “people’s tribunal” in relation the
authorities’ deadly crackdown on the November 2019 nationwide protests, as well as their
families said 15 undersigned organizations. In response to public calls for truth, justice, and reparation for crimes under international law and serious human rights violations committed by the Iranian authorities during the November 2019 protests, civil society organizations and international legal experts established a non-judicial International People’s Tribunal on Iran’s Atrocities (hereafter the Tribunal).

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Iran: MEK Network Celebrates National Tradition, Renews Vow To Overthrow Regime

On the 13th day of the Persian year, the Iranian people usually go to the countryside and find a green area beside a river or a lake. This tradition is called “Sizdah Be Dar.” On this day, people tie up grasses, wish to get rid of all the past year’s unpleasant occurrences, and wish the bests for year ahead.

Supporters of Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and members of the growing network of Resistance Units across Iran celebrated this tradition with hopes of overthrowing the regime by the end of the year and establishing a democratic government following the fall of regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the mullahs’ regime in its entirety.

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Iranian Heroines Whose Epic Resistance Saved Ashraf

Iranian heroines whose epic resistance saved Ashraf. One of the most courageous confrontations in the world’s history of nationalist wars and liberation movements took place on April 8, 2011, in Ashraf, Iraq, the seat of the Iranian opposition movement at the time. Spearheaded by 1,000 Iranian heroines, the PMOI freedom fighters stood up to a column of ten armored, infantry, mechanized brigades, and battalions of the Iraqi forces who attacked Ashraf City at the behest of the Iranian regime to massacre all of its defenseless residents, destroy the city and annihilate the opposition.

Iran: Officials’ Warnings Foretell of the Prospects for Regime’s Demise

Iran’s state-run media and some regime officials are painting a bleak future for the ruling theocracy. Many of them, while attacking the regime’s refusal to comply with the demands of its foreign interlocutors in the ongoing nuclear talks, has warned of the dangerous consequences of that approach.

Others have attacked the regime’s hasty and irrational decision to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, especially after it has become clear that Russia has failed to reach its objectives when it launched its onslaught.

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How Does the Clerical Regime Influence Addiction in Iran?

Once we are speaking of drug use, we are referring to all uses of illegal drugs such as heroin, amphetamines, barbiturates, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, and opioids. Their consumption is a serious creator of the major health, psychosocial and socioeconomic problems in the world, and can lead to several complicated problems for addicted individuals, their families, and society. There are gender differences in drug use in the communities. However, the rate of drug use in men has been significantly higher than in women, even though this gender gap has steadily been decreasing.

New Suppressive Plans During the Ramadan Fasting Month in Iran

The state security forces launch a plan to deal with those who eat or drink in public during the Ramadan fasting month in Iran. During the first days of Ramadan, the state-run media also publish numerous photos of police dealing with people eating, drinking, or smoking in public. Every year, many citizens are convicted of “breaking the fast” in sharia courts. In different years, Iran’s judiciary has sentenced individuals to “imprisonment from 10 days to 2 months or up to 74 lashes” simply for eating or drinking during the day and in a public place during Ramadan.

Child Marriage in Iran, a Painful Reality

Child marriage, or early marriage, is any marriage where at least one of the parties is under 18 years of age. Forced marriages are marriages in which one and/or both parties have not personally expressed their full and free consent to the union. Child marriage is considered to be a form of forced marriage, given that one and/or both parties have not expressed full, free, and informed consent.

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Sharif University Honor Students Unlawfully Kept in “Temporary Detention”

More than two years after agents of Iran’s Intelligence Ministry arrested and tortured university students Ali Younesi and Amirhossein Moradi, their lawyer says that the continued “temporary detention” is “against the law” considering the charges brought against them.

Referring to the arrest of the two students on April 10, 2020, their lawyer Mostafa Nili said in an interview with the state-run Etemad website on Wednesday: “According to Article 242 of Iran’s Criminal Code of Procedure, the maximum period of temporary detention in crimes punishable by death is two years, and in other crimes, one year.”

Four Members of the Voice of Iranian Women Summoned To Serve Prison Time

Members of the Voice of Iranian Women Association, Nahid Shaqaqi, Akram Nasirian, Maryam Mohammadi, and Esrin Derkaleh, were called to serve time by the Prosecutor’s Office of Evin Prison. According to a statement issued on April 3, 2022, these four women’s rights activists must introduce themselves to the Evin Prosecutor’s Office within 30 days. The Revolutionary Court of Tehran sentenced members of the Voice of Iranian Women Association, Nahid Shaqaqi, Akram Nasirian, Maryam Mohammadi, and Esrin Derkaleh to four years and two months imprisonment.

SwedenStockholm, April 6, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), rallied outside the court session of Iran’s regime executioner Hamid Noury for justice. MEK supporters are seeking justice for 30,000 political prisoners executed by the mullahs’ regime in the 1988 massacre in prisons across the country. Coinciding to the rally, the 82nd session of the trial of the henchman Hamid Noury, one of the executioners of the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Gohardasht prison, held in the Stockholm District Court.

Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 7, 2022

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