Iran News in Brief – April 7, 2022

A market in Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province, northeast Iran



Calls for Regime Change in Neishabour, Northeast Iran

Today, Thursday, April 7, at 2:00 PM local time, passersby and bystanders in Tarrehbar Bazaar, the entrance to Khatam Al-Nabiin Street in Neishabour, Khorasan Razavi heard slogans of regime change: “Down with Khamenei, viva Rajavi”  “We do not want a king, nor a cleric, damned be both of them”, “Down with Khamenei, Raisi, damned be Khomeini”!

Further reports and footage will be shared upon receipt.


Republicans and Democrats See the Iran Deal for What It Is

Though President Biden promised a return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Iran nuclear deal that currently sits on the table is weaker and more dangerous. Republicans, who fought against Obama’s JCPOA, are predictably calling for an end to negotiations. Earlier today, Republicans from the House Foreign Affairs Committee hosted a press conference to denounce Biden’s Iran deal.

Congressman Andy Barr (R., Ky.) said Trump’s “maximum pressure” strategy was working, and Biden’s current attempt amounts to a “flawed deal” that cannot go forward. To Barr and his colleagues, the JCPOA-minus is “flawed in process, flawed in substance, and flawed in verification protocols,” according to Barr.

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Top U.S. General Does Not Support Removing Iran’s Quds Force From Terrorism List

WASHINGTON, April 7 (Reuters) – The top U.S. general said on Thursday that he does not support removing Iran’s Quds Force, an arm of its Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), from a list of foreign terrorist organizations.

“I believe the IRGC Quds Force to be a terrorist organization and I do not support them being delisted,” Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The United States has been considering removing the IRGC from its foreign terrorist organization blacklist in return for Iranian assurances about reining in the elite force.

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Iran Moves Machines for Making Centrifuge Parts to Natanz -Un Nuclear Watchdog

VIENNA, April 6 (Reuters) – Iran has moved all its machines that make centrifuge parts from its mothballed workshop at Karaj to its sprawling Natanz site just six weeks after it set up another site at Isfahan to make the same parts, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Wednesday.

Iran granted International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors access to Karaj in December to re-instal surveillance cameras there after a months-long standoff that followed what Tehran said was Israeli sabotage that destroyed one camera and badly damaged another, prompting Iran to remove all four cameras.

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Official Admits to Widespread Hatred of Clergy in Iran

Reacting to the stabbing incident in Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad that left a clergyman dead and two injured, Ahmad Marvi, Chief of the Astane Quds Razavi Foundation said: “If it were not for our military, police, and security forces that work day and night, we would have faced similar cases every day or every week or at least once a month.”

“Last year, we bought more than One trillion rials of equipment only for security purposes,” Marvi added. “We have to do as much as possible to provide security. We have provided the latest technology and there has been no shortage in this regard. This attack was planned by the enemy because two days ago, two Sunni clerics were killed in Gonbad or Gorgan in Golestan province.”

Following this incident, state media rushed to announce the aggressor was an Afghan and later changed the narrative and told he was a Tajik. Officials at all levels of the regime have condemned the incident, trying to blame it on “foreigners who want to wage a sectarian war in Iran”. But users on Persian language social media are circulating the narrative that the assailant has been a member of the Fatemiyoun Brigades whose sister was wed to an Iraqi militia member by the murdered cleric. Allegedly, the sister was later abused and hurt by her husband and her brother had taken things into his own hands.

Liam Fox Calls for Harder Line on Iran Over Houthi Attacks

The UK and its allies should take a harder line on Iran over attacks by its Houthi proxies in the Gulf which should not be forgotten because of the war in Ukraine, a former British cabinet minister said on a visit to the region.

Liam Fox, who was in Bahrain with a UK group promoting the Abraham Accords, said the Houthi attack on the UAE in January did not receive “anything like the attention that it should have had” in Britain and the rest of Europe.

Dr. Fox said world powers would risk financing such attacks if they lift sanctions on Iran under a revival of the nuclear agreement between Tehran and world powers.

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Joint Release: 18 Democrats Raise Concerns About Looming Iran Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, April 6, 2022, eighteen Democratic Members of Congress joined together to raise critical concerns about the looming Iran deal. Reports indicate that the U.S. has reached the last phase of the Vienna negotiations with Iran — the world’s leading state-sponsor of terror.

Members of the group of eighteen held a press conference this morning (watch here).

Democratic Members joining together to raise their concerns include Reps. Gottheimer (NJ-5), Luria (VA-2), Norcross (NJ-1), Vargas (CA-51), Phillips (MN-3), Boyle (PA-2), Brown (OH-11), Costa (CA-16), Demings (FL-10), Frankel (FL-21), Golden (ME-02), González (TX-15), Lee (NV-3), Manning (NC-6), Meng (NY-6), Soto (FL-9), Stevens (MI-11), and Suozzi (NY-3).

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Iran’s Hot Potato: The Internet “Protection Bill”

The regime ruling Iran has long been setting the stage to impose its draconian internet “Protection Bill,” dubbed by ordinary Iranians as the internet censorship/blackout bill. Fearing a public backlash, various entities of the mullahs’ regime are passing on the “hot potato” and refusing to accept responsibility.

Jalal Rashidi Kuchi, a member of the regime’s Majlis (parliament), recently said 185 Majlis members have requested the bill to be returned from a special commission, appointed to further study the bill, back to the Majlis floor for a public discussion. Why is there such reluctance among regime officials regarding this internet “Protection Bill?”

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US: 2 Posed as Agents, Gave Gifts to Secret Service Officers

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal prosecutors on Wednesday charged two men they say were posing as federal agents, giving free apartments and other gifts to U.S. Secret Service agents, including one who worked on the first lady’s security detail.

The two men — Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36 — were taken into custody as more than a dozen FBI agents charged into a luxury apartment building in Southeast Washington on Wednesday evening.

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Gloomy Economic Predictions for the People of Iran

A quick or profound and in-depth look at the economic metrics of Iran under the reign of ayatollahs reveals a sorrowful truth, the increasing rate of inflation, the increasing rate of unemployment, the increasing rate of government corruption, and embezzlement, and the increasing rate of people approaching the poverty line. In a country that ranks one of the top five countries in the world regarding its wealth of natural resources, the color of happy and comfortable life has been on a fading trend since the inception of the regime of the mullahs.

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Iran’s Roads Take More Casualties Than War

The elimination of human life has become a hobby for the mullahs’ regime in Iran. From the death rate of the coronavirus, which after two years is beyond comparison to any other country around the world, to the number of executions and arbitrary killings which have increased daily since Ebrahim Raisi became the regime’s president last August, and finally to the death rate because of accidents on the country’s roads.

According to the Iranian regime’s economic experts, damages caused by roads accidents in the country are wasting about 8 percent of the country’s GDP. They have said that the regime’s government is allocating nine to eleven percent of its financial basket to deal with the aftermath of road accidents.

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Security Services Threaten to Jail Mahboubeh Ramezani, the Bereaved Mother of an Iran Protest Victim

In an article, the mother of one of the November 2019 Iran protests victims announced that Iranian security services had threatened her and her family. Mahboubeh Ramezani seeks justice for her son, Pejman Qolipour, shot five times at close range on November 17, 2019.

Mahboubeh Ramezani explained in her article: “After several times that (the security services) called my husband and I but we did not respond, they called my son. They told him to be careful.

Sweden, April 6, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Rally in Front of Stockholm Court

SwedenStockholm, April 6, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), rallied outside the court session of Iran’s regime executioner Hamid Noury for justice. MEK supporters are seeking justice for 30,000 political prisoners executed by the mullahs’ regime in the 1988 massacre in prisons across the country.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 6, 2022

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