Iran News in Brief – April 6, 2023

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Iran Uprising at a Glance

Based partially on reporting by PMOI (MEK) Network in Iran

Thursday, April 6, 2023 – 8 PM GMT + 1

Iran’s nationwide uprising marked its 203rd day on Thursday following a busy night of intense anti-regime protests and rallies in the capital Tehran. The Iranian people are sending a message to the mullahs’ regime and the world that they are determined to overthrow the ruling dictatorship and will refuse to back down from taking to the streets for further protests.

Teachers gathered outside the local Education Departments in the cities of Karaj, Kermanshah, Hamedan, Malayer, Robat Karim, Neyshabur, and Urmia on Thursday to protest their poor economic situation and low paychecks.

Reports indicate regime agents in Tehran and Alborz provinces, among others, attempted to prevent teachers from holding their gatherings in their respective areas.

Teachers in many cities of Iran have been holding various rallies and protesting over their hardships due to the regime’s destructive economic policies. The protesting teachers have also been demanding the release of their unjustly jailed colleagues.

Employees of the governor’s office in the city of Savojoblagh in Alborz Province, located west of Tehran, held a gathering on Thursday to protest their poor living conditions because of the regime’s disastrous economic policies.

Further reports shed light on the much larger-than-previously reported protests Wednesday evening in the capital’s Shahr-e-Ziba district to mark the birthday of a protester killed by the regime during the recent protests. The crowd chanted anti-regime slogans, including:

“Down with Khamenei! Damned be Khomeini!”.

“Down with the dictator!”

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!”

Mojtaba, you will die but never become the [supreme] leader!” referring to Mojtaba Khamenei, the son of Ali Khamenei.

Khamenei, you murderer! We will bury you!”

“We swear on the blood of our compatriots that we stand to the end!”

This is the year Seyed Ali (Khamenei) will be overthrown!”

Down with the child-killing regime!”

This is the last message: the entire regime is our target!”

NCRI President-elect Maryam Rajavi lauded the brave people of Tehran for taking to the streets despite the mullahs’ oppression and continuing the Iranian people’s anti-regime protests with a recommenced pledge to overthrow the mullahs’ regime. “I salute the courageous young people of Tehran’s Shahr-e Ziba district, who shattered the darkness of repression by chanting ‘Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!’ In commemoration of Hamidreza Rouhi, the slain protester of the 2022-2023 Iran uprising, they renewed their vow with all the martyrs that they will stand till the end. Khamenei and his regime have no escape from the inevitable overthrow by Iran’s rebellious women and youth,” the NCRI President-elect emphasized.

Three More Executions Reported in Central Iran

According to local human rights organizations, the Iranian regime’s Judiciary executed three prisoners in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz on April 5. The prisoners were identified as Yusef Jume Hosseini, an Afghanistan citizen, Kazem Rasouli, and Ali Hossein Sadeghzadeh, a father of two.

Azerbaijan Expels Four Iranian Embassy Staff

Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry on Thursday announced the expulsion of four employees of Iran’s embassy amid growing tensions between Tehran and Baku. Relations between the countries sharing a border near the Caspian Sea have long been strained, with Azerbaijan being a close ally of Iran’s historic rival Turkey.

The ministry said it “summoned” Iran’s ambassador and declared that “four employees of the Iranian embassy were declared persona non grata” by Azerbaijan with 48 hours to leave the country. “During the meeting, strong dissatisfaction was expressed to the Iranian Ambassador due to the recent provocative actions demonstrated by his country,” Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry said.

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Azerbaijan Arrests Six Over ‘Coup Plot’ Blamed on Iran

AFP- Azerbaijan on Thursday arrested six men it said were linked to Iranian secret services and were plotting a coup in the Caspian nation, in the latest tensions between Baku and Tehran. Relations between the neighbours have long been strained, with Azerbaijan being a close ally of Iran’s historical rival Turkey.

The arrests came after months of diplomatic tensions. Baku said the six Azerbaijani nationals were “recruited by Iranian secret services to destabilise the situation in the country”.

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Iran’s Presence in Syria in March 2023

Iran and its proxy militias have unprecedented influence in most areas under the “symbolic” regime control, as neither attacks by Israel and the International Coalition, nor the “cold war” with Russia could hinder the alarming entrenchment and expansion of these forces across Syria. Strengthening their presence and promoting their ideology, the Iranians are still carrying on with their systematic plan to change the demography of different areas throughout Syria’s geography.

In the following report, SOHR highlights the key developments in areas dominated by the Iranians in March 2023.

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Condolences on the Passing of a Great Man, François Colcombet

I salute François Colcombet who was the vigilant eye and the outspoken tongue of the French conscience versus those who sacrifice freedom, resistance, and human rights for petty interests.
On June 17, 2003, when the French security and police forces stormed the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance, at the behest of the clerical regime and based on a shameful deal, the prominent lawyer and co-founder of the French Judges’ Syndicate, François Colcombet stood by renowned figures of the French anti-fascist Resistance of France, like including Daniel Mitterrand, Abe Pierre, and Lucie Aubrac, and many other human rights defenders. Together, they defended the Iranian people’s just resistance to targeting in treacherous cases and grave injustices.

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Iran’s Regime Launches More Chemical Gas Attacks in the Face of Protests

With more protests continuing and in need to keep a lid on the threat of a new uprising, the mullahs’ regime in Iran has ordered its operatives to launch more chemical gas attacks targeting all-girls schools in various cities across the country. As the country marks its 202nd day of the uprising on Wednesday, the ruling dictatorship is playing with fire as such attacks against innocent schoolgirls bear the potential of sparking another round of nationwide protests that rocked the regime to its very core.

People throughout Iran continue to specifically hold the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responsible for their miseries, while also condemning the oppressive Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and paramilitary Basij units, alongside other security units that are on the ground suppressing the peaceful demonstrators.

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March 2023 Report: Clampdown on Opponents of the Mandatory Hijab

In March, the mullahs’ regime escalated its measures to address opponents of the mandatory hijab, a campaign that began in December. Provincial officials and mullahs insulted opponents of the mandatory hijab from official platforms and urged congregants in the Friday prayers to chant “Death to the hijab-less!”

During the Nowruz holidays, businesses that served opponents of the mandatory hijab were shut down, and security personnel prevented access to airports and historical sites. By the end of March, the mullahs’ parliament had finalized its plan to address opponents of the mandatory hijab, and the Ministry of Interior issued an instruction requiring all women to observe the mandatory hijab.

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Iranian MPs Reveal Grim Outlook on Regime’s Challenges

Jamaran, the state-run news agency of the Iranian regime, recently published an article highlighting the regime’s unparalleled growth challenges. The article features the opinions of several regime MPs who share their thoughts on the future of the country, revealing a grim and ominous outlook. According to Mojtaba Yousefi, “Foreign policy has a significant impact on currency prices, leaving us isolated like a remote island when sanctions persist and there is no new news about JCPOA and FATF.”

2022 was a year fraught with difficulties for the regime. It faced the most challenging protests in its 43-year reign, an economic crisis, and the fear of being overthrown. The new year brings with it the same crisis and no apparent solution for the regime.

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The Bloody Hands of the Revolutionary Guards in the Massacre of the Iranian People on the Roads

The Mullahs’ regime and the revolutionary guards have embezzled national wealth for the past 44 years and have taken no steps toward economic, production, and social welfare development for the people, leading to human casualties, oppression, and systematic slaughter. For years, the country has been experiencing unnatural incidents, such as work accidents, deadly road accidents, fires, gas leaks, falling from scaffolding, and rail or air traffic accidents, all of which are accompanied by a disastrous economic situation.

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Also, read Iran News in Brief – April 5, 2023

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