Iran News in Brief – April 5, 2022




Newspaper Acknowledges Exploitive Culture in Iran’s Work Environment

The state-run Mardomsalary wrote today: “For the employers, the path of dismissal and firing workers is so smooth that after hearing the voice of the workers’ protest, they know that the solution to end the protests is the dismissal of the protesting workers, rather than to take care of their problems. The situation of the workers in Iran is very unstable. They are easily fired and nothing, not even their working experience, can help them to avoid the risk of being fired.”

Calls for Justice in Iran Continue to Echo in Stockholm

Today, Tuesday, April 5, Iranians and supporters of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization rallied in front of the court of Stockholm, where Hamid Noury, a former prison guard and one of the perpetrators of the mass executions of political prisoners was tried by the Swedish Judiciary. The demonstrators demanded justice for the victims of the 1988 massacre. The protestors chanted slogans and asked the international community to address the four decades-long genocide in Iran and hold Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, president Ebrahim Raisi and Chief Justice Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei to account for crimes against humanity.


Maryam Rajavi: Iran Has a Large Number of Billionaires Making a Living From Khamenei

Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian opposition, accused the ruling regime of impoverishing the people despite the abundance of wealth and resources.

After a mass Iftar held in Albania, Maryam Rajavi said that Iranian society is paying the price for the “mullahs’ regime” to maintain its power.

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Official Lies Will Increase Public’s Expectations, State-run Newspaper Warns

A state-run newspaper questions the Iranian regime officials’ claims about rising oil sales and warns that the posturing might backfire domestically.

“Those who try to encourage people with speech therapy but whose words and writings have no practical support, cause people to become frustrated and distrustful,” the Jomhouri Eslami newspaper wrote on April 4. 

“In recent days, several officials have reported an increase in Iranian oil exports to pre-sanctions levels,” the daily added. “The national media also supported this news with detailed reports, and in general, a good effort was made to create hope. But there were some who immediately questioned the effort and demanded statistics. They also made the point that if this claim is true, what happened to the money you received and what did you do with it?”

The paper cautioned: “While prices are rising every day and when there is no control over the market of goods and services, while the deprived strata of society are having a hard time to stay above water, talking about returning oil exports to pre-sanctions levels and receiving money can only be a kind of speech therapy and everyone knows that this will not work.”

In Iran, Even Baking Bread Has Turned into A Crime

Image of the ‘Barbari’ bread which is very popular among Iranians

A state-run organization called the ‘Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice’ Headquarters in West Azarbaijan province, has banned bakeries in the province to bake the popular ‘Barbari’ bread in the mornings during Ramadan because it “symbolizes the people’s breakfast”.

According to the state-run website ‘Ruydad 24’ on April 5, following the implementation of this order, bakeries must bake bread from “3 pm to half an hour before Iftar”, otherwise they will face “heavy fines and will be sealed”.

Allahverdi Hassanzadeh, president of the Urmia Bakers’ Union, confirmed the news of the ban, saying that bakeries should obey the new rule.

Yesterday, in an open letter to the police force chief, the regime’s Attorney General announced that those who eat in public should “be dealt with” publically.


Maryam Rajavi: Ramadan; A Call to Revolt Against the Government of Hunger, Homelessness, and Religious Tyranny

The Iranian Resistance held a conference entitled, “Ramadan, United Against Fundamentalism and Warmongering, for Peace and Tolerance,” on Monday, April 4, 2022. The conference featured distinguished religious and political personalities from various countries and the Arab World. The conference was held online and in connection with the PMOI members in Ashraf-3, in Albania, and a gathering at the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Auvers-sur-Oise, France.

Maryam Rajavi opened the conference by extending her congratulations to Muslims and the dignitaries participating from around the world on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan. In her remarks at this conference, she expounded on the distressful conditions of Iranian society under the rule of the mullahs and underlined the clerical regime’s failure to advance its reactionary outlook under the banner of Islam.

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Has Raisi Delivered on Any of His Promises?

During his inauguration ceremony back in August 2021, the Iranian regime President Ebrahim Raisi blamed the country’s high inflation and economic crises on the government of his predecessor Hassan Rouhani. However, while blaming Rouhani, Raisi resorted to his known tactics of making hollow promises of “major developments” and “changing the status quo” in his first speech as president. Eight months down the road Raisi has failed to deliver any positive outcome. All the while, the country’s economy is facing unprecedented crises such as inflation, and unemployment, with poverty afflicting a growing segment of the population.

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Exclusive: Critic Cleric Discloses Horrific Crimes in Sari Prison, North of Iran

In an exclusive report on March 28, 2022, Iran Azadi [Freedom] website published a story on dissident cleric Einollah Rezazadeh Jouybari about horrific and flagrant crimes, torture, and ill-treatment of prisoners at Sari Prison in the northern province of Mazandaran.

Jouybari is a known opponent of the Velayat-e Faqih [the guardianship of the “Islamic” jurist] theory, who has been held in Sari Prison for years. In an open letter, he addressed the people of Iran, explaining the crimes committed by the religious dictatorship at this prison.

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Local Officials Destroyed Fruit Shop in Ahvaz, South Iran

On Monday, April 4, Ahvaz Municipality agents destroyed the shop of an Arab citizen from Alavi alley in Ahvaz city. The fruit shop under the Kian Bridge was demolished without prior notice.

Unemployment, poverty, and deprivation are increasing by the day, but so far the Iranian regime officials have failed to come up with solutions to unemployment, rather they seek to round up street vendors in order to crush what they see as the problem.

Chants of “Death to Khamenei” Broadcast in Khorasan Province, Iran

Supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran broadcast anti-Khamenei and pro-Maryam Rajavi slogans yesterday in the city of Tous near Mashhad.

On Saturday, Iranian opponents broadcast slogans against supreme leader Ali Khamenei and in support of the president of the Iranian Resistance Council Maryam Rajavi in the city of Tous, near the city of Mashhad, the center of Khorasan Razavi province in northeastern Iran.

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Khamenei’s Death Chants in Northeastern Iran

Supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran broadcast anti-Khamenei and pro-Maryam Rajavi slogans yesterday in the city of Tous near Mashhad.

On Saturday, Iranian opponents broadcast slogans against supreme leader Ali Khamenei and in support of the president of the Iranian Resistance Council Maryam Rajavi in the city of Tous, near the city of Mashhad, the center of Khorasan Razavi province in northeastern Iran.

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United Nations Condemns Houthis Breach of Ceasefire

The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the cross-border terrorist attacks by the Houthis against Saudi Arabia on 20 March and 25 March, which struck critical civilian infrastructure. They expressed their expectation and demanded that the Houthis abide by the truce and cease all cross-border attacks. They further recalled obligations under international law, including those related to the protection of civilians and civilian objects.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 4, 2022

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