Iran News in Brief – April 24, 2022

Hammam Alley in Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Northeast Iran



Raisi’s Economic Team in Jeopardy

According to the state-run Hamshahri Online, Mohammad Mokhber, the Iranian regime’s vice president, announced today that both the presidential executive and economic deputies are removed from the government’s economic commission.

According to Fars news agency, when the names of Ebrahim Raisi’s economic team were cited, some analysts and economists expressed serious disbelief about the composition because of the very conflicts the members had with each other. Sources inside the presidential palace had previously confirmed that the Raisi’s vice president had serious disagreements with Mohsen Rezaei, his economic deputy, over economic issues.

Given the serious economic crisis at hand, state media now express doubts about whether Mohsen Rezaei intends to remain in the government as Vice President for Economic Affairs or not.

Tehran’s Appetite for US to Concede Has Increased, Official’s Remark Shows

Stating the United States has offered a lot of concessions during the nuclear talks in Vienna, an official close to the negotiations says the regime is now waiting for the Americans to cave in.

According to the state-run Eghtesadnews, an advisor to the Iranian regime’s negotiation team in Vienna Mohammad Marandi said: “According to the Americans, Iran has been able to gain significant concessions in Vienna. So for this reason, some members of the American delegation resigned and left the team in protest.”

“On the other hand, when Mr. Robert Malley went to Congress and reported on the negotiation process, the reactions were negative,” Marandi added. “Members of Congress protested, believing that the American team had conceded too much. In the last days of the negotiations, things were moving fast, but on various issues, including verification of lifting sanctions, guarantees, as well as the IRGC issue, the Americans stopped working at once.”

“The problem is from within the United States. Neither the Europeans, nor the Russians, nor the Chinese, nor Tehran, have a problem continuing. But we have to wait and see whether Mr. Biden will decide to continue or not,” Marandi concluded.

SOHR: Hezbollah Establishes Weapons Workshops in Homs Countryside Under the Supervision of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards

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Another Act of Piracy by Iranian Regime

The Iranian regime reported another piracy in the waters of the Persian Gulf. An IRGC official announced the seizure of a “foreign ship carrying 200,000 liters of smuggled fuel” and the arrest of eight crew members.

Gholamhossein Hosseini, the IRGC’s second naval district public relations manager, told the Fars state-run news agency today that the ship had been seized in the north of the Persian Gulf. He did not comment on the ship’s ownership or the identity of its crew but said the ship was headed to the Bushehr port and handed over to judicial authorities.


Iran’s Regime Is Ramping Up Repression of Girls in Universities

According to multiple reports, authorities in Tehran’s Amirkabir University of Technology have security forces to control female students and ensure they abide by the regime’s dress codes.

Reports indicate that at the same time, the university’s security guards are harassing girls under different excuses and claiming that they are violating hijab and dress rules.

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Iranian Child Brides, Zahra Zeinalpour and Shiva, Murdered by Their Husbands

News of two femicide cases was reported in the media within one day. The two victims were both child brides. Many of these tragic and unfortunate cases are kept away from the public. The two-child brides murdered by their husbands were identified as Zahra Zeinalpour, 21, and Shiva, 16. Zahra Zeinalpour was cold-heartedly burned to death with gasoline. Born in 2001, Zahra had been forced to marry at the age of 14 or 15. She was a mother of a 3-year-old child.

Iran’s Corrupt and Dysfunctional Assembly of Experts

The idea for an assembly of experts dates back to the 1979 Iranian Revolution when a constituent assembly was needed to draft a new constitution. Debates over the nature of that body ultimately led to the formation of a small, expert-based group rather than a larger assembly of representatives from all over the country. The first assembly was dissolved after the constitution was ratified in December 1979. The Assembly of Experts, in its current form, was established in 1982 under Article 108 of the constitution. It officially began work in 1983. Subsequent elections were held in 1991, 1999, and 2007. The scheduled 2015 election was delayed for a year until February 2016 based on the 2009 electoral law, which synchronized the parliamentary elections held every four years with the assembly’s elections held every eight years.

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Iran Closes Afghan Border Crossing After Skirmishes With Taliban

The main border crossing between Iran and Afghanistan was closed on Saturday following skirmishes between Iranian border guards and the Taliban forces.

According to official sources, Taliban authorities in the Islam Qala district of western Afghanistan’s Herat province were paving a road in the border zone with Iran, which was obstructed by Iranian border guards.

Iranian president’s special envoy for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi Qommi issued a statement, confirming that local authorities in Herat had attempted to construct a road in the Islam Qala-Dogharoun border area “without prior coordination” with the Iranian side.

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 23, 2022

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