Iran News in Brief – April 11, 2022

The Grant Market in Kerman, Kerman Province, Southeast Iran



State-affiliated Body Warns Raisi That Gender Inequality Will Add on Top of Major Crises

The state-run Hamdeli newspaper wrote today: “In a letter to the President, the Islamic Association of University Teachers discussed the recent incidents in Mashhad and the humiliation of women who wanted to watch a football match, stressing that it was of concern to large sections of society.”

Quoting from the very letter, Hamdeli added: “Why would the Ministry of Interior, which was supposed to investigate the tragic incident seriously and neutrally, is instead trying to eliminate the problem through a vague report and is blaming the women themselves?!”

“We warn that in a situation where the region is prone to bloody incidents resulting from serious ethnic, religious, and local conflicts, an incident like the one that took place in Mashhad Stadium is only serving foreign groups that want to activate the gender inequality issue just like all other crises,” the newspaper cautioned.

Tehran’s Show at Dubai Expo Was “Catastrophic” and “Disgraceful”, State News Agency Reports

The Dubai Expo turned out to be another embarrassment for the Iranian regime.

“The only takeaway from Dubai Expo was the volume of criticism regarding the approximately 14 million dirhams spent for an empty pavilion in Dubai,” the Quds Force-run Tasnim news agency reported today. “Experts described our show as “catastrophic” and “disgraceful”.

Tasnim added: “One should ask where was Iran’s position in the expo? Did it succeed to demonstrate our ancient civilization or our plan for the future? How was the current Iranian displayed? Can it be considered as one of the countries that have a plan for its future? None! Because it failed to even display some attractions properly.”

On January 4, Tasnim reported that the Iranian regime’s Minister of Mining and Industries has dismissed Hassan Zamani, CEO of Iran International Exhibitions Company and head of the regime’s pavilion at the Dubai Expo, and appointed “Hooman Razdar” in his place.


Afghan Citizens Attacked Iranian Regime’s Consulate in Herat

Outraged over the Iranian regime’s mistreatment of Afghan refugees, Afghan citizens staged a rally in front of the regime’s consulate in Herat today, throwing stones at the consulate building and setting it on fire.
Taliban forces fired air shots to disperse the protesters. Protesters also broke security cameras and the situation is reported tense.


State Media Reveal Part of the Huge Corruption in Iran’s Pharmaceutical Industry

Despite the Iranian regime’s health minister claiming that there will be no shortage of medicine this year, the state-run Javan newspaper wrote today that the government is going to raise the price of medicine and some drugs are already nonexistent in the market.

Meanwhile, the deputy speaker of the regime’s parliament Abdolreza Mesri told the state television: “I will inform you with official documents that one of the directors of the Ministry of Health and the Food and Drug Administration possesses 16 pharmaceutical companies. He is also an importer of drugs. He is the CEO of a state-owned company. At the same time, he imports the drugs through his private company and sells them for 1050 times the price to the state-owned company of which he is the CEO. I have many of these examples.”

Security Forces in South Iran Shot Young Citizen and Clashed with Locals

On Sunday, April 10, Sadegh Kaabi, son of Naeem, a resident of Ahmadabad alley in Shusha, Khuzestan province, was arrested by the repressive police force. According to local sources, Sadegh Kaabi was shot and wounded after being chased by repressive police forces before being taken into custody and he was later taken to hospital. Footage taken by locals shows the family and residents of Ahmadabad clashing with police after Sadegh was being arrested.


Another Public Execution Scheduled in Iran


The prosecutor of Khorramabad in Lorestan province has announced that a person accused of killing a security officer will be executed in public. Without further elaboration about the identity of the accused person, Dariush Shahnvand, the Khorramabad Public Prosecutor said that he had killed an officer named Rahman Pourdehghan during a clash with the Lorestan police in December 2021.

Meanwhile, the head of the Fooladshahr court in Isfahan announced on March 27 that two prisoners accused of killing an intelligence officer had been sentenced to death and will be hanged in public. The death sentence by the Iranian judiciary and its execution in public has been repeatedly criticized by the international community.

Twitter Suspends Houthi Military Spokesman’s Account

Twitter has suspended an account that belongs to Yemen’s Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree for breaching its rules.

The account, with more than 340,000 followers, was used to claim responsibility for attacks by the Iran-backed rebels on the UAE and Saudi Arabia, as well as threatening further attacks. Twitter did not specify why it suspended the account four years after it was created. The company does not usually comment on individual cases.

Jaber Al Lamki, a senior communications official at the UAE Ministry of Defence, praised Twitter for its “socially responsible” move.

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Somebody Tipped Off the 2 Fake Feds Arrested for Duping Secret Service, DOJ Says

A pair of phony Homeland Security agents who allegedly infiltrated the highest levels of federal law enforcement and plied agents with lavish gifts were somehow tipped off to their arrest last week, allowing them to stash guns and other items, prosecutors revealed in a new filing on Sunday.

Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36, were arrested last week when cops swarmed the upscale Crossing Apartments in Washington, D.C.’s Navy Yard neighborhood, bringing what appears to be an extraordinary two-year-long ruse to an end.

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Iran’s People Are “Leasing Bread” While the Regime Spends Billions on War and Terrorism

“Poverty is on a rampage in the outskirts of Tabriz (a major city in northwest Iran). Some people are literally leasing bread,” said Alireza Monadi, a member of the regime’s Majlis (parliament) recently.

While people in the West usually “lease” their cars or other larger purchases or use their credit cards to purchase food or other items, millions of their counterparts in Iran are so poor that they lack the pocket money to purchase even a few loaves of bread. Bakeries across Iran are allowing people to receive their daily need of bread and accept payment later when the buyers receive their monthly salary or pension.

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Tehran’s Air Pollution Ranks First in World

Air pollution is a problem that can affect the human lungs and cause various problems and diseases. The elderly, children, and people with certain diseases are the ones that could be affected most and are considered the most vulnerable ones. Air pollution or particulate matter is a phenomenon that arises from the combination of particulate matter and dust with urban pollutants and is caused by climate change, drying of wetlands, drought, and construction of dams.

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Men Are Not Allowed To Enter “Hundreds of Parks in Tehran”

A member of the Tehran City Council confirmed the gender segregation in Tehran’s parks, saying that the Tehran municipality was providing some parks to mothers and children and that it intended to “turn these parks into family parks.”

“More than 200 parks will be exclusively for women, mothers, and children,” Mohammad Agha Miri told the state-run Didban website on Saturday, April 9. He said he believed the presence of men in the parks was “not in the best interests of women”.

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Iran Sentences Environmental Defenders to 160 Years of Prison

Twenty-two protesters were sentenced to a total of 160 years in prison, 1,480 lashes, and fines for opposing the Sabzkuh-Borujen water transfer project in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province.

In a photo of the lawsuit issued by the criminal court of the two cities of Borujen, the plaintiffs are the “Regional Water of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province Organization” and the ” the Revolutionary Guard-owned construction company Khatam al-Anbia”.

According to the same document, the three charges of “assisting in disturbing public order by inciting the public”, “disturbing public order” and “participating in the destruction of state and public property” were brought against 37 defendants in the case of the protesters.

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“Knowledge-Based Growth” in Iran Under the Mullahs’ Rule

People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran – MEK IRAN YouTube channel has published an informative video about Ali Khamenei’s promise of “knowledge-based growth”.

As follows as is the full video, and excerpt of its text:

In his Nowruz address, the Iranian regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei claimed that all the country’s economic problems would be fixed through the development of “knowledge-based production.” And accordingly, he declared the new Persian year as the year of knowledge-based production, adding, “To achieve economic growth and reform the economy, we must move toward a knowledge-based economy.”

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Read more: Iran News in Brief – April 10, 2022

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