Iran: Khamenei mouthpiece calls for disqualification of Rafsanjani

Mohammad Khatami: The country is facing a crisis, affecting all if it continues

NCRI – Hossein Shariatmadari, Kayhan daily editor-in-chief and a main member of Ali Khamenei’s inner circle, in the editorial of this daily called on the Guardian Council to disqualify Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

“For the Guardian Council to approve the qualification of those who were involved in the 2009 American-Israeli sedition, and continue their alliance with the sedition leaders, it will be an insult to the noble people and hundreds of thousands of martyrs who lost their lives to protect the sacred establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran…” Shariatmadari wrote.

“Approving the qualification of these types of candidates… carries this message that an obvious treason to the people and the establishment not only is not considered a crime, but in fact the sedition ringleaders can receive medals of competence for serving at the top of the executive branch.”!

The editorial, stressing Rafsanjani and Ahmadinejad are standing shoulder to shoulder against Khamenei, added, “According to undeniable evidence, the sedition ringleaders (reference to Rafsanjani) and the deviant circle (reference to Ahmadinejad) are hand in hand.”

On the other hand, mullahs’ former president Khatami expressed concerns that the current crisis will affect everyone. The state run Etele’at daily published a piece on Saturday, May 18th, citing Khatami as saying, “The country and the society is facing a crisis, and if it continues and spreads it will affect everyone and will entangle the whole society, as the people are now feeling the initial effects.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 18, 2013

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