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HomeIran News NowIran ElectionKhamenei's Latest Attempt to Dictate Outcome of Iran’s Sham Presidential Election 

Khamenei’s Latest Attempt to Dictate Outcome of Iran’s Sham Presidential Election 

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On June 25, using Eid al-Ghadir to mobilize his forces and deliver his final directives, the clerical regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, gave a public speech indicating his firm decision for the upcoming sham presidential election on June 28. This address was a desperate attempt to ensure that the next president aligns perfectly with his oppressive regime’s agenda.

Khamenei emphasized two points in his speech: the need for the regime to demonstrate maximum participation and the selection of a candidate who strictly adheres to his roadmap for survival and leadership replacement. He framed these demands within the context of maintaining the façade of a democratic process while clearly manipulating the outcome to his advantage.

He brazenly accused those boycotting the election of laziness, dismissing widespread public discontent and resentment towards his regime. “Participation is essential. Those who are indifferent or lazy are neglecting their duty to the nation,” he said, revealing his disdain for the majority who oppose his rule.

Khamenei’s contempt for true democratic principles was evident as he spoke about the importance of high voter turnout. He shamelessly admitted that the primary goal of this participation was to enhance the regime’s image internationally. “High turnout brings honor to the Islamic Republic,” he declared. “Every election with low participation gives our enemies reason to criticize us. We must not give them that satisfaction.”

In his speech, Khamenei attempted to rewrite history and paint his regime in a favorable light. He lamented the death of his favored president Ebrahim Raisi, a figure he had heavily invested in, and blatantly used this as a pretext to rally support. “Forty days have passed since we lost a good president, a popular and hardworking figure,” he said. This statement was not just a reflection of his loss but a clear directive to his followers to support a candidate who would continue Raisi’s oppressive policies.

He also doubled down by dismissing previous administrations that failed to comply with his terms saying, “Our nation has many capabilities. Some governments have failed to use these capacities, but the current government has made good use of them. If this [Raisi] administration had continued, many of the country’s problems, especially economic ones, would be solved.” This statement not only glossed over the regime’s failures but also served as a veiled threat against those who might consider deviating from his oppressive policies.

Khamenei’s speech was riddled with directives to ensure the election of a candidate who is unwaveringly loyal to himself. “The best candidate is one who genuinely believes in the principles of our revolution and system,” he said. “You must not appoint individuals who have even the slightest divergence from our revolutionary path. Those who are sympathetic to America or indifferent to our Islamic principles will not serve you well.”

Khamenei’s address was a thinly veiled attempt to control the upcoming election, presenting it as a choice between loyalty to his regime and betrayal. By demanding high voter turnout and the election of a candidate aligned with his despotic vision, he sought to signal that he would not allow disobedient figures to take the helm of the executive branch.