Iran’s Regime Prepares to Rig Presidential Election Results in Crisis Management Strategy

Election campaign banner reads, “Even those who oppose the state, for the sake of preserving the country, turn out in the elections”- Feb 2024

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Following the death of the clerical regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi on May 19, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei swiftly ordered preparations for a presidential election to prevent unrest among the regime’s forces and maintain control over potential instability. Hence, the ruling establishment is now laying the groundwork for a significant manipulation of voter statistics to project an image of strength and conceal the nation’s deep-seated resentment. 

In recent days, state media and officials have consistently highlighted upcoming polls that are expected to show high voter turnout. On June 13, the state-run Mehr News Agency quoted Abdollah Moradi, Director-General of Political Affairs at the Ministry of Interior, stating, “Survey results indicate that public enthusiasm for the presidential election will surpass that of the previous term.”

Additionally, on June 15, the IRGC-affiliated Tasnim News Agency quoted Ahmad Hakimipour, head of Massoud Pezeshkian’s campaign, as saying, “Evidence suggests we will witness high participation in the elections; signs of reconciliation with the ballot box are visible in society.”

Khamenei’s representatives echoed this message during Friday prayer sermons in various cities. Gholamreza Moghisheh, Friday prayer leader in Sabzevar, emphasized that maximum public participation is the regime’s top priority in the elections, promising significant benefits for the people and the country.

On June 14, Morteza Fatemian, during Friday prayers in Khakal, claimed high participation “would enhance political stability and increase the state’s legitimacy nationally and internationally.” Safar Ghorbanpour, interim Friday prayer leader in Rasht, added that “maximum voter turnout would boost deterrence against enemies, mitigating threats and lifting sanctions.”

Even Abbas Abdi, a former torturer who has played the role of a regime critic in recent years, stated, “I don’t think the turnout will be less than 55%.”

Fearful of a widespread boycott exposing internal weaknesses and societal discontent, thereby undermining Tehran’s ability to extort other countries regionally and globally, officials from all factions are rallying behind Khamenei’s project. On June 15, Massoud Pezeshkian, perceived by some as representing a different political approach, declared, “I joined this election to generate enthusiasm for participation against enemies watching us. If people don’t show up, our country will be at risk.”

Pezeshkian also urged, “I hope God helps us. Encourage people to vote for anyone they choose, but show we are present and committed to the revolution, leadership, and religion.” He added, “If the Supreme Leader’s general policies are implemented, the problems will be solved.”

According to Nour News, affiliated with the regime’s National Supreme Security Council, Pezeshkian met with former president Mohammad Khatami on June 13. Khatami, who refused to vote in the March 1 parliamentary sham elections, announced he would vote for Pezeshkian.

The Etemad Melli Party, founded by Mehdi Karroubi who is currently under house arrest on Khamenei’s orders, issued a statement urging people to vote despite the “inefficiencies of previous governments’ policies that have made life very difficult for Iranians.” They emphasized that voting “is essential for changing the current situation.”

Furthermore, a group called the “Association of Alumni of the University of Technology” also described the presidential election as “an important opportunity to determine the fate of any country with a republican and democratic system,” urging people to participate despite their dissatisfaction with the current state of the country.

Meanwhile, Yadollah Javani, the political deputy of the IRGC, emphasized the importance of the upcoming presidential election, calling it “several times more significant” than previous elections. He attributed this heightened importance to the current domestic, regional, and international conditions of the clerical regime.

He said, “The outcome of the upcoming election can result in two scenarios: firstly, it could become a source of power, and secondly, it could become a source of challenge for the Islamic Republic.”

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