Iran Election 2021: Live Coverage of Regime’s Sham Presidential Election


The Iranian regime holds its sham presidential election today, June 18, 2021. Iranians have underlined that they will not participate in the election. We would share the information obtained by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) on this page. The MEK has played a key role in popularizing the call to boycott the regime’s sham elections, and this call has been very much welcomed by the Iranian people both inside and outside Iran.

Regime officials continue to try to create an impression of high voter turnout. Abdolrahman Moradi, the Friday prayer leader of Kermanshah, said, “I thank the revolutionary people of Iran and my dear Kermanshahi compatriots for casting their votes. I hope that the elected person will never forget this historical day and respond to the needs of the people.”



Mrs. Rajavi: A historic congratulation to the Iranian people for the nationwide boycott of the mullahs’ sham election.


Especial reports from the city of Kermanshah western Iran shows that people in Kermanshah have boycotted the Iran election 2021.


According to the MEK,  very few people have cast their votes. New videos from Tehran show empty polling stations across the city.

Yet, regime officials spread false statistics about the sham election. “We hope that the elections will proceed well, and as our dear people participated actively since the morning, the voting process will continue in the afternoon,” said Jamal Orf, the chief of staff of national elections during a press briefing.


Reports and videos obtained by the MEK from Iran show the empty polling stations. “Authorities have placed several members of paramilitary Basij forces in front of all poll stations. They were banning people from stopping in front of the stations. They even harassed us when they understood we took this photo,” said an MEK activist reporting from Tiran, Isfahan province.

According to the MEK Locals in Suran, southeast Iran protested the regime’s elections farce by torching a bus used as a mobile polling station.


Gholamhosessin Mahdavi Nejad, the Friday prayer leader of Semnan, claimed that “elections in the Islamic Republic are the most honest elections in the world” and that “there is no way for anyone to cheat in the elections because there is a strong supervisory apparatus.”

Meanwhile, the campaign to boycott the elections continues across Iran. Videos obtained from different cities show empty polling stations.

Update On The Turnout In The Iran Regime Sham Presidential Election with Farid Mahoutchi of NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee, No 1

The Iranian regime officials are expressing their fear of the election boycott and are imploring the people to go and vote. In a press conference, Habibollah Shaabani, the Friday prayer leader of Hamedan, claimed that the elections are proceeding in a satisfying manner and that there’s an active presence at the polling stations since the early hours. However, reports by the MEK show that polling stations are empty and the people are not voting


According to the PMOI/MEK website reporter in Mariwan, “Polling stations across the city are vacant. People are even offered money for their votes and despite their utter poverty they are turning them down.”

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) have published several video clips obtained from Iran.

Reporters from Shiraz and Ramhormoz say that the Iranian people have boycotted the Iran presidential election: The polling station number 38, in Ramhormoz. The polling station is completely empty, this is [the Iranian people’s] NO to the sham elections. These few people you see are candidates’ representatives. It is 10:15 am. Simay-e Azadi (INTV) reporter, June 18, 2021. Here is the polling station at Bakhteghan Special Children school (Shiraz). Today is June 18, 2021. I am a Simay-e Azadi reporter. As you see, there is only one security guard. No one is coming to vote. As you see, a man and his son only came to see what is going on.

Empty polling stations during the Iranian regime’s presidential election indicate the Iranian people boycott the election.

June 18, 2021—INTV reporter from Isfahan send reports about empty polling stations and boycotting Iran election: I am a Simay-e Azadi TV reporter, here is [the polling stating at] Saheb al-Zaman Mosque, in Dr. Beheshti street, Isfahan. As you see only a few people have come to vote, and Iranian people vote is the regime’s overthrow. I am Simay-e Azadi’s reporter. Here is the [polling station] at Arasteh School. No one has come to vote. Iranian people’s vote is regime’s overthrow. I am Simay-e Azadi’s reporter. Here is the [polling station] at Saed Highschool, in Motahari street. As you see, no one has come to vote. The Iranian people’s vote is regime’s overthrow I am Simay-e Azadi’s reporter. It is 8:00 am. Here is [the polling station at] Shiekh-Bahai Hospital. There is only one person standing near the ballot box.

New reports from the Iranian regime’s presidential election in Tehran, Arak, and Qom indicate that no one interested in voting. Reports: Qom: This is a [polling station] at Ali-ibn Aboutaleb Mosque, located in Sayad Shirazi street in Qom. I congratulate everyone for this victory, no one has come to vote. Arak: Arak (central Iran) June 18, one of the polling stations (Imamzadedh Abd-Allah) of course they did not allow me to enter, they’ve told me that documentary makers are not allowed to enter, it is 09:23, Watch with your own eyes, I also show you around, two people are sitting here, there is a man standing over there with an identity card, and this is their polling station.

Reports from the 2021 presidential election in Garmsar, Iran, indicate that polling stations are empty: Today is Friday, June 18. I cannot enter this polling station. If you look inside the station, you see no one voting. This is the polling station, it is totally empty, no one is here.


According to the MEK, while reporting from Poonak, Tehran, where the polling station was completely empty, a local sarcastically said, “There is a significant number of people who have come to vote.”

Another citizen reporting from Arak said, “They didn’t let me enter [the polling station]. They said documenters can’t enter… see for yourself.”


Falavarjan, Isfahan province:

According to the MEK, locals are boycotting the polls despite all the regime’s efforts to encourage people into voting.

Shiraz: A Simay-e Azadi reporter in this video says that at this polling station only an old is seen standing as a security guard and just a man and a child are seen coming out of the building.


Tabriz, northwest Iran

This video by the MEK reporter shows an empty polling station.

Qom, central Iran.
A polling station is completely empty, according to a Simay-e Azadi reporter. Just one member of the regime’s security forces can be seen.

“This is the polling station of the Motahari Mosque… no one has come to vote. The police are standing idly. The people of Iran have condemned this sham election,” the INTV’s reporter said.

Garmsar, near Tehran.
MEK reporters provide footage of another empty polling station.

Eslamshahr, near Tehran 10:17 am
One of the city’s main mosques used as a polling station is empty. Only security personnel can be seen.

“This is one of the most important mosques of Eslamshahr. It contains a seminary,” the activist who captured the footage said.

Isfahan, central Iran:
No voter is at the Al-Mahdi Mosque polling station, according to a Simay-e Azadi reporter.

In Malard, near Tehran, locals are boycotting the regime’s elections farce.

According to the MEK’s reporter in Kermanshah, the polling station is empty.

June 18 – Tehran, Iran
10:20 am
Safdari Avenue
Empty polling station at the Madar Girls Elementary School, according to a PMOI/MEK website reporter.


Reports obtained by the MEK on Friday morning show empty ballot stations. People reported empty polls in Tehran, Karaj, Tabriz, Mashhad, and Isfahan.

A report from Isfahan indicates that the regime has forced all army personnel to vote in the election. As a result, they will have to report on Saturday with proof that they have voted in the election.

“No to the Islamic Republic. We will not vote. We will not forget nor forgive… Don’t be fooled by them… Those who are voting are staining their hands with the blood of the November 2019 protesters… The world should know that we don’t want them… Today is the day to declare which side of the history we’re standing,” says a citizen reporting from empty polls in Tabriz, northwest Iran

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