Iran Election 2021: Iranians Abroad Endorse Boycott Campaign


In recent days, members of the Iranian diaspora, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), have held rallies in Europe, echoing growing calls inside Iran boycotting the regime’s sham presidential election in June. 

In Vienna, Austria, MEK supporters held their protest for the first week in a row, supporting growing calls in Iran for boycotting the regime’s sham presidential election. They were holding a banner that read, “Iranians want regime change.” They also held photos of the Iranian Resistance Leader, Mr. Massoud Rajavi, and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) President-elect, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. 

Members of the Iranian diaspora, the MEK, and NCRI supporters also continued their protest in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on Wednesday. While holding banners calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election, they expressed their support of Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-points plan for a democratic Iran in the future. 

In all countries across Europe, Iranians have been underlining in their protests that the regime is in a deadlock. They have been particularly referring to the intention of the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, to pull Ebrahim Raisi out of the ballot box as a part of the regime’s contraction policy. They have been referring to Raisi’s role in the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners and oppressing risen people of Iran during the major Iran protests in 2019. 

MEK supporters hold these protests as a part of a campaign inside Iran led by the MEK’s Resistance Units to popularize the nationwide boycott of the regime’s sham election. 

According to the MEK, “During the month of May, over 310 areas in all of Iran’s provinces witnessed activities calling for a boycott of the regime’s sham presidential elections in June. These are activities of the Iranian Resistance Units, the network of the Iranian opposition the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).” 

“This campaign primarily began in April 2021, following the Iranian Resistance’s call to boycott the mullahs’ farce elections. In April, The Resistance Units carried out anti-regime activities in over 250 places in 27 provinces,” MEK adds. 

These campaigns have turned into a nationwide social movement in Iran, with various sectors of society calling for the boycott of the regime’s sham presidential election during their daily protests. 

The MEK’s campaign for boycotting the regime’s sham election and its success has terrified the Iranian regime. 

“Today, the anti-revolution front has started a heavy attack on the system, a deceiving people about the elections,” said Abdolrahim Najafgholizadeh Sarai, Khamenei’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Ashura Brigade in the northwest of Iran, according to the official IRNA News Agency on Wednesday. 

Najafgholizadeh acknowledged longtime campaigns calling for the boycott of the regime election by what he called “the opposition network.” 

With growing calls for the nationwide boycott of the regime and the certain low voter turnout, state media warn about defections in the regime and people’s uprising. 

“The system is not unified. The [regime] lacks organization, ideology, class base, and income. The system is moving in a direction that, along with homogeneity, experiences a sharp defection and severe internal tension,” wrote the state-run Etemad daily on Wednesday. 

“People’s demands have exceeded the system’s capability to answer,” Etemad daily adds.  

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