Iran: Daily hits back at attack by Khamenei’s mouthpiece

NCRI – Responding to daily Kayhan, Khamenei’s mouthpiece, a pro Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani daily wrote: “Rafsanjani is the most qualified person and bringing up issues such as physical weakness is just an excuse. The clearest reason that the Guardian Council is making a mistake is that this council has different opinions regarding the qualification of the candidates. “

The editor in chief of daily Jomhouri ِِEslami wrote on Friday: “What caused Rafsanjani to change his mind (and become a candidate) was the increased pressures imposed by the people, clerics.”

“God give mercy to those who deny this with their words and writings. The clearest reason that the Guardian Council is making a mistake is that within the council there is differences of opinions regarding the qualification of the candidates. “

“The most obvious mistakes of this council is the qualification of a member of the council in which all of his former supporters are unhappy about his actions and do not verify him and the other mistake is the disqualification of Rafsanjani, which no qualified candidate in this round enjoys his privileges. “

“Everyone knows that bringing up the issue of physical weakness due to old age, is nothing but an excuse for someone with these prominence.”

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