Iran: Activities of Resistance Units and MEK Supporters on 2017 Uprising Anniversary

Isfahan – Activities of the MEK supporters and Resistance Units on the anniversary of the December 2017 uprising – "Massoud Rajavi: We have come to fight for freedom, and are confident that the heroic people of Iran will ultimately win this battle”- January 3, 2022
Isfahan – Activities of the MEK supporters and Resistance Units on the anniversary of the December 2017 uprising – “Massoud Rajavi: We have come to fight for freedom, and are confident that the heroic people of Iran will ultimately win this battle”- January 3, 2022

On the fourth anniversary of the December 2017 uprising in more than 140 cities in Iran, the Resistance Units and Mujahedin-e Khalq (PMOI/MEK) supporters posted banners, placards, and wrote graffiti in various cities in Iran emphasizing that the protests and uprisings against the clerical regime will continue until its overthrow.

These activities continued during the last week of December 2021 into January 2022. On January 3, alone, Tehran, Isfahan, Karaj, Tabriz, Shiraz, Hamedan, Zahedan, Neyshabur, Birjand, and Semnan were the scenes of these activities.

The December 2017 uprising began with large demonstrations by the people of Mashhad and quickly spread throughout Iran. The protesters’ main slogans were “Death to Khamenei” and “Reformers, hardliner, the game is now over,” clearly showing their determination to overthrow the medieval clerical regime in its entirety.

Some of the slogans were: “No to the clerical regime, long live freedom,” “Death to Khamenei, long live Rajavi,” “Massoud Rajavi (Leader of the Iranian Resistance): The Iranian people want the overthrow of ruling mullahs,” “Massoud Rajavi: We have come to fight for freedom, and are confident that the heroic people of Iran will ultimately win this battle,” “Massoud Rajavi: The secret to national salvation is to say down with the principle of Velayat-e Faqih, long live freedom. Our mission is to overthrow the religious dictatorship.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
January 5, 2022

Isfahan – Activities of the MEK supporters and Resistance Units on the anniversary of the December 2017 uprising – “Massoud Rajavi: We have come to fight for freedom, and are confident that the heroic people of Iran will ultimately win this battle”- January 3, 2022
Karaj – Activities of the MEK supporters and Resistance Units on the anniversary of the December 2017 uprising – “Massoud Rajavi: The secret to national salvation is to say, down with the principle of Velayat-e Faqih and long live freedom. Our mission is to overthrow the religious dictatorship” – January 3, 202
Tabriz – Activities of the MEK supporters and Resistance Units on the anniversary of the December 2017 uprising – “Down with Khamenei” – January 3, 2022
Shiraz – Activities of the MEK supporters and Resistance Units on the anniversary of the December 2017 uprising – “No to the clerical regime, long live freedom”- January 3, 2022
Zahedan – Activities of the MEK supporters and Resistance Units on the anniversary of the December 2017 uprising – “Death to the (Ebrahim) Raisi”- January 3,


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