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Iran – Activities of MEK Resistance Units – Calling for Protest Against the Ruling Dictatorship Last Week

Astara – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – August 13, 2021

NCRI logo“Massoud Rajavi: Inauguration and appointment of Raisi as president”

“by Supreme Leader Khamenei is a turning point and a seminal development that will accelerate regime’s downfall”

Over the past week, Resistance Units and Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) supporters have posted banners and placards, and written graffiti, and distributed leaflets throughout Iran to spread messages from the Resistance leadership about the appointment and inauguration of Ebrahim Raisi as president. In their activities, they also underscored that the only way to achieve freedom and democracy in Iran is through protests, uprising, and the clerical regime’s overthrow.
These activities took place while the regime’s repressive forces were at the maximum alert. People in different cities welcomed the activities, which in addition to different areas of Tehran. also took place in Karaj, Isfahan, Shiraz, Mashhad, Astara, Gorgan, Kashan, Qom, Marvdasht, Shahr-e Rey, Torbat Heydariyeh, Neyshabur, Rudsar, Sonqor, Anzali, Behbahan, Sari, Bushehr and Andisheh, and elsewhere.
Some of the slogans were: “Death to Khamenei, hail to Rajavi,” “Free Iran with Maryam Rajavi,” “Death to the oppressor, be it the Shah or the leader (Khamenei),” “Death to the dictator,” “Death to Khamenei,” “Iranian are vigilant, they hate both the mullahs and the Shah,” “Unless the mullahs are gone, our homeland will not be free,” “Neither monarchy nor religious tyranny, the mullahs’ time is over,” “Death to Raisi, death to Khamenei,” “Maryam Rajavi: The Iranian nation is fully prepared to overthrow the regime,” “Maryam Rajavi: Rise to bring freedom in Iran,” “Massoud Rajavi: Khamenei’s inauguration and appointment of henchman Raisi as president is a turning point and a seminal development that will accelerate regime’s downfall,” “Massoud Rajavi: It is time to rise up and protest all over Iran,” and “Let’s not leave the rebellious youth in Khuzestan alone.”

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)
August 14, 2021


Tehran – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – Maryam Rajavi Iranian youth, Iran’s destiny is in your hands – August 10, 2021
Tehran – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – A free Iran with Maryam Rajavi – August 10, 2021
Sonqor – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – Down with Khamenei, Raisi, hail to Rajavi – August 7, 2021
Shiraz – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – Maryam Rajavi Rise to bring freedom to Iran – August 13, 2021
Qazvin – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – Maryam Rajavi Our people want freedom, democracy, and equality – August 3, 2021
Mashhad – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – Death to Khamenei’s dictatorship – August 13, 2021
Mashhad – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – August 13, 2021
Kashan – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – Down with Khamenei and Raisi the henchman of 1988 massacre – August 13, 2021
Isfahan – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units –Down with Khamenei, Raisi- August 13, 2021


Astara – Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – August 13, 2021
Tehran– Activities of the MEK Resistance Units – Iranian are vigilant, they hate both the mullahs and the Shah” – August 13,