Will Canada give Iran’s regime a free pass?


Greater attention should be given to the threats posed by the Iranian regime as the “world’s biggest state sponsor of global terrorism,” argues Canadian author and columnist Candice Malcolm.

“Financing is the lifeblood of any terrorist organization, and Iran is notorious for enabling jihadists and aiding their capacity to carry out murderous attacks,” Ms. Malcolm wrote on Thursday in the Toronto Sun.

She pointed out that in 2012, the Stephen Harper government designated the Iranian regime as a “state-sponsor of terror” and “expelled Iranian diplomats from Ottawa — regime members suspected of spying in North America.”

“The feds named Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, known as the Qods Force, as being instrumental in creating, training and arming terrorist organizations including the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, among others,” she wrote.

“The Harper government listed the Qods Force as a terrorist entity under the Criminal Code and adopted the Justice for the Victims of Terrorism Act — allowing families and victims of terrorism to take legal action against perpetrators of terrorism, including Iran.”

This gave Canadian families a legal avenue to seek damages against the Iranian regime, and dozens of cases were brought to the Ontario Superior Court.

An Ontario judge ordered the seizure of $7 million in Iranian assets located in Canadian bank accounts and properties, allowing victims to seek financial compensation for their losses.

“Harper was unequivocal in his criticism of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Ms. Malcolm wrote.

“His foreign affairs minister at the time, John Baird, did not mince words when he said, ‘Canada views the government of Iran as the most significant threat to global peace and security in the world today.'”

“At a time when both the U.S. and United Nations were cosying up to Iran in pursuit of a nuclear agreement, the Harper regime called out Iran’s bad behaviour.”

“Canada refused to look the other way on Iran’s illegal nuclear program, its egregious human rights record, its blatant racism and anti-Semitism and its bankrolling of global jihad.”

Ms. Malcolm urged current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to take a similar approach.

She pointed out that “Iran Accountability Week” was held on Parliament Hill last week.

Conservative foreign affairs critic Tony Clement and Conservative Senator Linda Frum hosted the program in hopes of bringing greater awareness to the problematic elements of re-engaging with Iran’s regime.

They aimed to shine a light onto the nefarious activities carried out by the Iranian regime.

“Islamist terrorism remains the greatest threat to peace and stability around the world, and Iran is the biggest financier of global terrorism,” Ms. Malcolm wrote.

“Over the next few months, we will learn whether the Trudeau government listens to the Canadian Coalition Against Terror or to the Ayatollahs in Iran.”

“Will Canada stand up to Islamist terrorism, or will we cower in the face of it?”

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