White House warns of cyber-attack threat from Iran regime


Hackers from Iran and North Korea have been launching a spate of cyber-attacks on the U.S. to gain top secret intelligence, the White House claims.

Both regimes are said to pose an “increasingly diverse and dangerous” threat to global security.

Speaking at a conference on cyber-attacks on Tuesday, White House counter-terrorism advisor Lisa Monaco said that North Korea and the regime in Iran have shown they can carry out “destructive attacks” on “critical” infrastructure in the US.

Hackers could target nuclear power stations, transport and the U.S.’s defense systems, causing havoc across America.

Ms. Monaco said: “To put it bluntly, we are in the midst of a revolution of the cyber threat – one that is growing more persistent, more diverse, more frequent and more dangerous every day.”

Citing North Korea and the Iranian regime as increasingly dangerous cyber operators, she threatened the use of “targeted” sanctions against “malicious” hackers targeting the US.

But stressed that sanctions will only be used against aggressors “when the time is right”.

The White House on Tuesday issued the U.S. government’s first emergency response manual for a major cyber-attack.

The Obama administration, which created a federal cyber chief position in February that has not yet been filled, published a “presidential policy directive” that includes a five-level grading system.

The directive defines a significant cyber incident as one likely to harm national security or economic interests, foreign relations, public confidence, health safety or civil liberties, according to a White House fact sheet.

Earlier this year, Iranian hackers were accused of infiltrating the computerized controls of a small dam 25 miles north of New York City.

Based in part on wire report

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