West must condemn brutal Evin prison Ward 350 attack, Canada Iran committee demands

Evin Prison in TerhranNCRI – The Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran have called for immediate international condemnation of a raid and attacks on political prisoners by Iranian forces at Iran’s notorious Evin prison.

Revolutionary guards stormed Ward 350 and wounded prisoners in the assault aimed at stemming the leak of information from inside the prison to the outside world.

The Canadian group’s co-Chairman David Kilgour said in a statement: “The Iranian regime raid on Evin prison and attacking and wounding defenseless political prisoners in dreadful Evin prison requires immediate condemnation by western countries

“The situation of political prisoners in Evin notorious prison after April 17 raid on Ward 350 and reported dispatching of Revolutionary Guards and agents of the Iranian Intelligence Ministry to contain the leakage of information to outside world and preparing the ground for further attacks and killing is of great concern.

“Reportedly, political prisoners and supporters of the main Iranian opposition of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, PMOI (MEK), have been severely wounded in the attack, suffering broken ribs and bleeding. Others protesting the raid have started a hunger strike.

“Sacrificing human rights under the pretext of nuclear negotiations is a dangerous path that is in contradiction to the principles on which the United Nations was built.

“We therefore call on the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms Navi Pillay to initiate an independent and impartial investigation into the deteriorating situation of political prisoners in Iran and the April 17 raid on Evin prison.

“And we urge Canada, the United States and the international community to respond to call of conscience and condemn this barbaric act against political prisoners in Iran.”

Among those injured in the attacks were Gholamreza Khosravi Savadjani, Assadollah Hadi, Javad Fouladvand and Assadollah Assadi, who are all in critical condition, the statement said.

It added: “Rouhani’s abysmal human rights record, combined with his choice of Mullah PourMohammadi, one of the main officials responsible for the massacre of political prisoners in the summer of 1988 based on Khomeini’s fatwa, and Hamid Abou Talebi, a known hostage taker and mastermind of the assassination of the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s representative is Italy, Mohammad Hossein Naghdi, leaves no ambiguity to understand the hollow of reform and moderation.”


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