Wednesday’s Iran Mini Report – September 19, 2018

Wednesday's Iran Mini Report - September 19, 2018

• Cybersecurity Firm: More Iran Hacks as US Sanctions Loom

An Iranian regime-aligned group of hackers launched a major campaign targeting Mideast energy firms and others ahead of U.S. sanctions on Iran, a cybersecurity firm said Tuesday, warning further attacks remain possible as America re-imposes more sanctions in November.

While the firm FireEye says the so-called “spear-phishing” email campaign only involves hackers stealing information from infected computers, it involves a similar type of malware previously used to inject a program that destroyed tens of thousands of terminals in Saudi Arabia.

• least 21 people died and 20 others were injured after a bus and a fuel tanker collided in central Iran, officials say

The accident occurred late on September 17 on a motorway between the cities of Kashan and Natanz, more than 200 kilometers south of the capital, Tehran.

“The tanker swerved to the side, hitting the bus and causing an explosion and fire,” said traffic police commander General Mohammad-Hossein Hamidi.

State television broadcast footage of firefighters battling the blaze as rescue teams rushed to take the wounded to hospitals.

Iran has one of the world’s worst traffic safety records, with Health Ministry officials reporting around 16,300 killed during the Iranian year that ended in March.

Widespread disregard for traffic laws, unsafe vehicles, poor quality of the road network, and inadequate emergency services are among the main causes.

• Rouhani’s Execution Toll Ahead of Washington Summit

Rouhani’s execution toll ahead of Washington Summit should worry everyone! Four young prisoners were executed on the morning of September 16 in Ghirokarzin County. Their families have gathered outside the governorate for the fourth day. These prisoners were held in Fars Province, Iran and hanged there. Another report also suggests that they formed a strong protest at the Revolutionary Court and attacked it. This court in Ghirokarzin was responsible for the hangings.

Hojat Eeghtesadi, who had been detained by Police on September 11 in Malekan City was killed. Hojat had been taken to the police station in Bonab, East Azerbaijan, where he was beaten to death.

• School Stationery Costs Rise

School stationery costs rise before 23rd September when classes will open in Iran.

School children all love to arrive in fancy dresses and unique stationery, but that doesn’t seem to be the reality this year. Many families are being crushed under high costs of stationery. No, this has nothing to do with the sanctions. Its got everything to do with a corrupt Iranian regime.
Alireza Salimi, member of the Iranian parliament had recently said: “There is a powerful mafia in the stationery market.”
A father sent a picture of a few handbooks and pens all adding up to 81 thousand Tomans.

have shared their stories about how prices are going up in their cities. One man said “In fact, the issue of rising stationery prices against the decrease of requirements is still surprising! It shouldn’t be like this before the season and the start of schools.”

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