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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranWednesday's Iran Mini Report - Apr. 04, 2018

Wednesday’s Iran Mini Report – Apr. 04, 2018


• Ahvaz – youth clashed with repressive forces for the eighth night in the Ain-Doo area

Wednesday night, April 4, the repressive forces and Special Forces attacked Arab fellow-countrymen in the Ain-Doo region. But the youth resisted and clashed with the repressive forces and closed the street with various equipment.

• A looted creditor by regime’s financial institute committed suicide

On Wednesday, April 15, 1997, one of the looted creditors of the “Arman Vahdat” financial institute of Khorramabad called Reza Mohammadi. And his life savings was looted committed suicide by hanging.

• 9 million absolute illiterates and 11 million low illiterates in Iran under the rule of the mullahs

Ali Bagherzadeh head of the literacy movement who interviewed the ISNA news agency on Wednesday, April 4, announced that according to the results of the General Population and Housing Census in 2017, there are 8,800,000 absolute illiterates in Iran. He also acknowledged the rate of illiteracy has increased in 13 provinces.

• At least 19 killed and injured by regime agents in Southwestern Iran

4 Afghan citizens were killed and 15 others were wounded after Saravan law enforcement agents opened fire at a car carrying Afghan refugees on Monday.Saravan is one of the cities of Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran.

• Justice Department Fines Norwegian Aid Group $2Mln for Supporting Iranian regime

WASHINGTON – The Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) nonprofit organization will pay more than $2 million for using US funding to support Iran, Hamas, and two Palestinian groups, the Justice Department said in a press release. The release said the NPA conducted mine clearance programs in Iran that were key to an Iranian oil project and supported programs in Palestine designed to recruit youth to join Hamas and similar factions. Source: Sputnik

• Strike continues in Iran’s main sugar cane company

On Wednesday, April 4, workers from various parts of the ‘Haft Tappeh Sugar Company’, such as the equipment sector, stopped working and said if their colleagues are not freed and their demands are not met,the strike will continue.
It should be noted that on April 1 a number of protesting workers were arrested.

• On the 60th day of the hunger strike, lady political prisoner fell into a state of coma

According to reports, at noon on April 3, the political prisoner Golrokch Ebrahimi, Iraee initially fainted and then seized into a coma. According to the report, she was then transferred to a hospital near the prison.
She has been in hunger strike since February 5th to protest against the illegal transfer of her along with the beating to the Qarchak prison in Varamin, she has requested a transfer back to Evin Prison.

• Possibility of an imminent execution of a youth who was 15 years old at the time of the crime

Mohammad Agha Khani, the lawyer of Mohammad Kalhor, announced the imminence of his execution

Mohammad Kalhor is a Boroujerdi student who was arrested on December 1, 2014, when he was only 15 years old.

It is noteworthy that on 2017, at least five child offenders were executed in Iran’s prisons. Also in January this year, at least three child offenders have been executed in various prisons in Iran.