Website trying to break ‘The Wall of Silence’ on Syria hacked


Press release issued by ARCHumankind:

Syria Break: the wall of Silence

On the day of the public presentation of our new publication “Syria Break: the Wall of Silence” and the subsequent days a massive hacker attack destroyed the website of ARCHumankind, as well the Facebook account of “Syria Breaks the Wall of Silence”.

The profusion of Assad glorifying posters and politically motivated insults that the hackers left on the Facebook account leaves no doubt on the identities of the perpetrators of this attack, exactly those who want to keep the “wall of silence” in Syria intact in order to continue their massive crimes against humanity without being disturbed.

ARCHumankind will not be intimidated, is republishing its bulletin and asks all of those who share the values of life and freedom to not be intimidated by these censorship tactics of the brutal Syrian dictatorship and to do all you can to disseminate the bulletin the Syrian authorities have been working so hard to prevent from being read and distributed.

Brussels, 2014.11.04


ARCHumankind Director Declaration

Paulo Casaca

 ARCHumankind was launched in the end of 2010 by a group of five friends with their eyes focused on the Greater Middle East. Foreseeing the Arab Spring, we were trying our best to provide a humane, democratic, tolerant alternative to the old sitting authoritarian regimes and the reactionary jihadi movement, which was and is waiting for its opportunity to tighten its grip on the Arab World.

However, the support we were looking for did not materialise, and soon most of us had to divert attention to other issues and challenges. An exception was Kamal Batal, ARCHumankind vice-president. In the first half of 2011, Kamal Batal committed himself to Lebanon with the goal to support the refugees escaping the violent repression of the Syrian regime, and he conveyed to us testimonies of its brutality.

It was Kamal Batal who made it known across the World that Syrian wounded protesters had been assassinated by Iranian Revolutionary Guards acting as “doctors” at Syrian hospitals.



Kamal Batal, a symbol of integrity and commitment in the struggle for the liberation of the Greater Middle East from its tyrants and the respect of human rights passed away on June the fourth 2011 after an unexplained heart attack in the Beqaa Valley from where he was not timely evacuated to Beirut.


It took us over three years to get back to where Kamal left us, and it is with my thoughts on Kamal and on all of those who fell victim to the despicable acts of the different fanatic factions in Syria that we announce here the reanimation of our dedication to the country.

At the beginning, we had a democratic uprising using peaceful ways to express its will to get rid of the tyrants. However, more than the local tyrants, the Iranian theocracy who evermore controls them, decided Syrians should not have an opportunity to express and to rule themselves.

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