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Warsaw Summit Creates an International Coalition Against Iran Regime

Warsaw Summit Creates an International Coalition Against Iran Regime

By Staff Writer

The United States and Poland plan to co-host a summit in Warsaw entitled “Ministerial to Promote Peace and Security in the Middle East”. The summit was announced by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, during his recent 8 day, 8 nation, Middle East tour.

Unofficially, the summit is being described as a prelude to creating an international coalition against the Iranian regime. In fact, Iran is the only Middle Eastern country who wasn’t invited to the February 13th — 14th summit. According to Polish foreign minister Jacek Czaputowicz, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been excluded from the ministerial because the language it uses is “hard to accept.”

The Iranian regime has experienced continuous protests over the past year. As well, the economy is in crisis after four decades of mismanagement and corruption. Iran’s well educated population aren’t buying the regime’s philosophy anymore. The regime already has its hands full, and the Warsaw summit could be the tipping point.

A great concern for Tehran is that the UK has joined the conference as the first European country on a ministerial level. The semi-official website, Tabnak, reported, “United Kingdom foreign minister will participate in Warsaw summit on the condition that U.S. secretary of state will host a meeting about Yemen on its sidelines.”

State-run Fars News Agency wrote that, “according to a UK outlet, the country’s foreign minister will participate in the anti-Iran summit that will be held in Warsaw.”

In a statement, Khaled Ben Mohammad, Bahrein’s foreign minister, who will also attend the Warsaw summit said, “Next month, countries of the world will assemble in Warsaw to talk about the security and stability challenges that the Middle East faces and, while listening carefully to what others have to say, I will talk about the Iranian [regime’s] multi-dimensional terrorism that we face on a daily basis.”

Friday Prayer Leader Mohammad Ali Al-e Hashem, who represents Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Tabriz said, “The Global Satan’s goal is to destroy the axis of resistance in the region. A U.S. diplomat said that in the summit we will reiterate the necessity of actions against the [Iranian] missile program… and we will also talk about the provoking and unacceptable actions of Iran in Syria and launching missiles targeted at the Zionists.”

Mohammad Sadeq Talebi Baygani said during the Friday prayers of Eqlid county in Iran’s Fars province, “With the help of their media, the enemies have always tried to promote the idea in the world that the Islamic Iran is pursuing to create weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles with the capability of [carrying] nuclear warheads, supports terrorism, creates instability in the region, meddles in other countries’ affairs in the region, threatens Israel, disregards women rights, and destroys political freedom, and… They apply some of these animosities directly against us, and some through forcing other countries where right now, they are peddling around the world to present Iran [read the Islamic Republic] as the root of instability in the region.”

Member of the parliament’s security commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said, “The U.S. goal of holding the anti-Iran summit in Warsaw is to promote Iranophobia and increasing the pressure on the Islamic Republic.”