Video: Struan Stevens wishes for Iranians freedom from tyranny of mullahs in New Year

In a video message on the occasion of Iranian New Year,  Mr. Struan Stevenson, the president of Delegation for Relations with Iraq at the European Parliament wished Iran to be free of tyranny of mullahs.

Text of message:

Happy New Year, Happy Nowruz to all of you,

Nowruz is traditionally the celebration of the end of winter and of a new spring and new beginning.  And I see this is a new beginning of the beleaguered  people of Iran.

They have suffered from the winter of tyranny of the mullahs. Now we look forward to freedom to justice to liberty to an end of tyranny.

And to the people of Camp Liberty, to the brave 3,000 people who are suffering in this prison like  conditions in camp liberty  and have suffered on the front line for more than tthree decades.

Here we have a new year a new beginning.

This is what we all pray for and this is what we look forward to keep up your great fight . The dawn is coming the new spring is coming thank you for all your work.

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