Video: Reporting polling stations in today’s Majlis elections in Iran

NCRI- A video clip from a series of footage shot by the resistances’ network in Iran.  Click on the title to watch a polling station on the main street in the port city of Bandar-Abbas on Friday 11 a.m.

Reports from Iran indicate a widespread boycott of the mullahs' sham elections. According to the Resistance's network (supporters of the main Iranian opposition,  the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The members of the campaign monitored some 25,000 polling stations across the country.


NCRI- A video clip from a series of footage shot by the resistances’ network in Iran.  Click on the title to watch a polling station on the main street in the port city of Bandar-Abbas on Friday 11 a.m.

Reports from Iran indicate a widespread boycott of the mullahs' sham elections. According to the Resistance's network (supporters of the main Iranian opposition,  the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The members of the campaign monitored some 25,000 polling stations across the country.

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