Vice-President of the European Parliament Strongly Condemns Appeasement Policies of E.P Towards Iran Regime

EP Vice President Ryszard CZARNECKI - Friends of a Free Iran - European Parliament - 13/9/2017

In a speech at the meeting of ‘the Friends of a Free Iran’ in European Parliament, on September 13, 2017. Mr Ryszard Czarneski Vice-President of the E.P once again reiterated his support for the Iranian resistance and its president elect Ms Maryam Rajavi, the following is the full text of his speech:

Dear colleagues,

Mr Chairman,

Thank you very much for holding this important meeting today.

I am very happy and honoured to have been a part of the Friends of a Free Iran group which has the support of hundreds of my colleagues in this parliament.

Many of us in this group have different or even opposite views regarding domestic issues or about Europe, including my dear colleagues from Poland but we are all united in our hopes and dreams for a free Iran and in our support for the democratic opposition under the leadership of Mrs Maryam Rajavi.

On Monday this week the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said that “Iran continues to severely restrict freedom of opinion and expression.” He said “ill-treatment of prisoners is widespread, and the judiciary continues to sentence people to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, including amputation of limbs and blinding.” He also stressed that “Iran remains the country with the highest reported rate of executions per capita. “

I believe this is an important statement by the UN. It should be followed up by adopting tough policies against this religious dictatorship. As long as human rights violations continue in Iran, we can not have a normal relationship with this regime.

We strongly condemn the current appeasement policies of Mrs Mogherini, who totally ignores repression against women in Iran but went to Iran to take part in the ceremony for Rouhani who does not even have one woman minister in his cabinet. And she keeps calling Rouhani a moderate !

This policy of closing the eyes to human rights violations in Iran and ignoring the sufferings of the Iranian people, is a disgrace and cannot be done under our name.

I am deeply concerned about the victims of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran. Most of the victims were from the PMOI.

Many of those criminals who were responsible for that massacre in summer of 1988, are still holding top positions in this regime. That includes the current minister of justice who happens to be also in the black list of the EU for human rights violations.

So I wish to use this opportunity to give a message to the people of Iran that we in the European Parliament are with you and will support you to be free.

Thank you very much.

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