US rejects Iran’s claims it has built a replica drone

Pentagon officials have rejected the Iranian regime claims that they have successfully flown a replica of a US drone that crashed in the regime three years ago.

Iran claimed to have captured a US RQ-170 Sentinel reconnaissance drone in eastern Iran in 2011 after it was reported as lost by US forces in neighboring Afghanistan.

Officials in Tehran then said in May that Iran had produced a Sentinel copy, and planned to arm it to attack US Navy ships.

The state-run Tasnim News Agency released a video this week of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei saying: “Today is a very sweet and an unforgettable day for me.”

Iran has also released a video claiming to show the drone in flight, but Aviationist blog and others that track drone issues said the frames appear computer-generated and the way the aircraft moves suggests it is merely a small model.

Asked about the Iranian replica, Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said: “Replica being the operative word there. There is no way it matches American technology.”

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