US New Sanctions on Iran Regime Targets 13 Individuals 12 Entities


The US has imposed new sanctions against Iran Regime as President Donald Trump has sought to punish Tehran for testing its ballistic missile program.

The Treasury Department said in a statement that they have published a list of 13 people and 12 entities facing new sanctions.

The sanctions will freeze any property or funds they may have under U.S. jurisdiction.

The Treasury Department also said that “U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions” with those on the sanctions list.
According to a statement published on Friday on the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) website. Five of the entities are based in Iran, four are based in Lebanon, one is based in the United Arab Emirates and two are based in China.

The sanction list includes engineering, logistics and chemical equipment companies.

Acting OFAC Director John Smith said the United States will continue to roll out sanctions if Iran keeps pursuing its ballistic missile program.

“This action reflects the United States’ commitment to enforcing sanctions on Iran with respect to its ballistic missile program and destabilizing activities in the region and is fully consistent with the United States’ commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action,” the statement said.

Trump signaled the sanctions with an early morning tweet: “Iran is playing with fire – they don’t appreciate how “kind” President Obama was to them. Not me!”

Speaker Paul D. Ryan said the “swift and decisive response proves that our new administration is serious about holding the Iranian regime accountable for its illicit behavior.”

“Iran’s latest ballistic missile test was a flagrant violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions,” the Wisconsin Republican said. “I applaud President Trump for imposing new sanctions to crack down on Tehran’s dangerous ballistic missile program and support for terrorism across the globe.”

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, California Republican, said Iran’s action poses “a direct threat to the United States and our allies.”

“I’m glad the administration is taking long-overdue steps to hold the regime accountable,” Mr. Royce said. “I look forward to working with the administration to build on these designations, push back against Iran’s destructive policies, and promote stability in the Middle East.”

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