US House approves resolution condemning Iran’s executions and human rights abuses


The US House of Representatives has voted to approve legislation that will condemn the ‘gross human rights violations’ committed by the Iranian regime.

The resolution comes just days ahead of the November 24 deadline for world powers to reach a deal with the clerical regime.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce said: “I think it’s incumbent upon all of us, as the House is doing, to stand with the people of Iran who suffer under this theocracy and speak out.”

The House Resolution No.754 calls on Iran to abide by its international and domestic obligations on human rights and civil liberties, including freedoms of assembly, speech, and press.

It also deplores the steep rise in executions under Hassan Rouhani, and names Reyhaneh Jabbari, a woman hanged for killing a man she said she stabbed in self-defense during a sexual assault.

It also condemns persecution of minorities, including Baha’is in Iran, and criticises the ‘undemocratic’ elections that deny Iranians the ability to choose their own government.

It also calls on Iran to release all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and to allow the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Iran to visit that country.

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