US admiral accuses Iran regime of violating international law


The United States Navy’s top military officer testified Tuesday that Iran’s regime violated international law by collecting information from 10 U.S. sailors detained earlier this year. The Hill reported.

Admiral John Richardson’s comments followed claims by the Iranian regime’s state media that thousands of pages of information were collected during the incident.

“They should not have been seized,” Richardson, chief of naval operations, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

The Iranian regime’s state TV quoted Gen. Ali Razmjou as saying that about 13,000 pages worth of information was retrieved from laptops, GPS devices and maps, according to The Associated Press.

The information could be used in “various fields,” said Razmjou, a naval commander in the regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

In January, Iran’s regime detained the sailors for 16 hours.

Richardson said earlier this month that Tehran’s detention of the sailors violated international law.

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