UNSC condemns attacks on Syria civilians, barrel bombs

The United Nations Security Council on Friday condemned continued indiscriminate attacks on civilians in Syria, including aerial bombardment and barrel bombings that Western powers say only the regime of Bashar al-Assas is capable of carrying out.

Last week the U.N. humanitarian chief painted a harrowing portrait of savagery in Syria`s civil war, now in its fifth year, and urged the Security Council to take collective action to put an end to the carnage.

The war has killed more than 220,000 people. Of the country`s roughly 23 million people, some 12.2 million are in need of humanitarian aid, including 5 million children.

‘The members of the Security Council expressed their deep concern at the continued high level of violence in Syria and condemned all violence directed against civilians and civilian infrastructure, including medical facilities,’ the council said in a statement.

‘They expressed outrage at all attacks against civilians, as well as indiscriminate attacks, including those involving shelling and aerial bombardment, such as the use of barrel bombs, which have reportedly been extensively used in recent days in Aleppo,’ it said.

Western officials blame aerial and barrel bomb attacks on the government.

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