UN says 750 Iraqis killed in violence in April

The United Nations says 750 Iraqis were killed in violence in April, the highest monthly death toll of this year.

The figures issued Thursday by the U.N.’s mission to Iraq show that 610 civilians and 140 members of the security forces were killed last month. UNAMI added that 1,541 more Iraqis, including 1,311 civilians, were wounded.The capital, Baghdad, was the worst affected with 252 people killed. The northern province of Ninevah came in second with 119 killed, followed by eastern Diyala province with 71 killed.

The figures excluding deaths in embattled Anbar province, where militants control parts of two cities.

This year’s previous highest death toll was January with 733 killed.

Iraq is experiencing some of its worst bloodshed since sectarian violence nearly tore it apart following the U.S.-led invasion.

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