Ukraine revolution sparks fears of upheaval in Iran, justice minister warns

Mostaf Pourmohammadi, Irannian regime's justice ministerNCRI- The Iranian regime’s justice minister has warned of mounting fears that the revolution in Ukraine could trigger mounting social upheaval in Iran.

Mostafa Pourmohammadi urged Iranians not to believe that political changes in Ukraine could ever happen in their own country.

Hassan Rouhani’s justice minister told ministry employees on Tuesday :”What happened in Ukraine is making headlines and large colour pictures in some media outlets. This makes some people feel it could happen within Iran.

“Countries like Ukraine that have looked to the west, then back to the east, have movements that still look west.

“But our country and our system is not analogous with these countries. Those who think similar developments will happen here should not have such beliefs. It is just an emotional atmosphere. Developments such as these happen in the world, the important issue is that our system (regime) should advance.”

Pourmohammadi was a notorious perpetrator of crimes against humanity during the reign of Khomenei, and had an active hand in the 1988 Iran massacre of political prisoners, when around 30,000 mostly activists of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) were killed.

Meanwhile, Iranian regime MP Alireza Salimi warned that the Ukrainian revolution should put authorities on alert. He told parliament on Sunday: “We hope that the recent developments in Ukraine instil vigilance in those naive enough to believe the sedition (2009 public protests) was only an incident.”

“The developments in that country (Ukraine) demonstrate the scenario that the enemy dreams of for our country. It is wise to be alert so that we do not drown in the whirlpool of conspiracies by the enemy.”

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