U.S. should pay greater attention to threats from countries like Iran, Pentagon Says


The U.S. must shift its focus away from violent extremist networks and pay greater attention to four particular countries: Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, the Pentagon’s latest National Military Strategy says.

“For the past decade, our military campaigns primarily have consisted of operations against violent extremist networks. But today, and into the foreseeable future, we must pay greater attention to challenges posed by state actors,” the strategy says.

“They increasingly have the capability to contest regional freedom of movement and threaten our homeland.”

“Of particular concern are the proliferation of ballistic missiles, precision strike technologies, unmanned systems, space and cyber capabilities, and weapons of mass destruction technologies designed to counter U.S. military advantages and curtail access to the global commons.”

While the Pentagon doesn’t believe any of the countries are seeking direct military conflict, “they each pose serious security concerns,” and emerging technological advances are exacerbating the threat, the report warns.

The Iranian regime’s nuclear program worries American allies in the region and beyond, according to the strategy. The Iranian regime sponsors terrorist groups in the region and is active in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon.



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